Computer information system brief
Kudler Fine Foods (KFF) is a local chain of gourmet food stores with annual sales of more than 10M offering specialized products to targeted customers. The company has three locations in the San Diego metropolitan area (La Jolla, Del Mar and Encinitas) and plans to add more stores soon (Kudler Fine Foods, 2008). As a typical mid-size food retailer KFF has following key accounting information system needs:
• Inventory management and optimization
• Customer and sales management
• Revenue management (including bank reconciliations and cash )
• Reports and inquiries
• Employees and payroll
• Security Kudler currently has an individual point-of-sale (POS) computer system in every store. The elements of each store POS are connected through Ethernet. 56K modem provides an internet access. All Kudler’s hardware and software are outdated. Each store keeps data on a separate server, store’s systems are not connected and don’t share POS information. KFF computerized most strategically important operations, but didn’t integrate them in enterprise-wide information system. The reliance on manual processes for such important areas as cost management, inventory replenishes, and financial statements, as well as the lack of integration between store locations show significant room for improvements.
The main disadvantages of a current Kudler’s information system are luck of integration between all stores and outdated hardware and software. Current Kudler’s system should be replaced with new and effective enterprise-wide information system. Until such system is in place and fully functioning it is highly advisable for the company to not seek out new locations.
Inventory management and optimization Inventory management is
References: Kudler Fine Foods. (2008). Kudler Fine Foods. Retrieved from Kudler Fine Foods . (2008). Finance & Accounting. Retrieved from eProcPOS001.htm Kudler Fine Foods. (2008). Finance & Accounting. Retrieved from eProcPay001.htm