The following assignment will describe communication such as verbal and non verbal communication along with active listening. It will be related to my recent clinical experiences. Looking at how communication can be effected and interrupted and how the use of effective communication can benefit patient care. The Model of communication I will be applying to my recent clinical experience is the Berlo Model of communication. In addition I will be sharing the outcomes of my recent clinical experience. For the purpose of confidentiality the patient name has been changed, as to comply with the NMC (2004) code of conduct.
The Berol Model of Communication helps us understand how communication works and how communications can either facilitate the development of a therapeutic relationship or create barriers (Stuart and Sundee 1995, cited in Riley 200). Communication involves both receiving messages and giving messages; a two way method spoken words and nonverbal messages.
The Berol Model of communication has four distinct components.
Source –Sends a message through a channel to a receiver (another person).
Message-someone shares an idea, feeling or information with another person.
Channel-The way the information is being expressed is the channel.
Receiver-Once the message has been received the receiver then decodes the information sent.
According to Berlo-The Sender encodes the message through his speaking and writing skills. The receiver decodes the message through their listening and reading skills. Both sending and receiving are influenced by knowledge, attitudes, experiences, and skills, are affected by the channel through which the message was sent. Communication when a person (source) sends a message through a channel to a receiver (another Person) once the message is received the receiver sends a message back to the
References: BALZER RILEY (2008) Communication in Nursing, 6th edition .MOSBY ELSEVIER. GOLDSMITH, MALCOM (1996) Hearing the Voice of People with Dementia HARGIE, O (1986) The hand book of communication skills, 2nd edition LEY PHILIP (1990) Communicating with Patient Improving communication satisfaction and compliance NORTH WALES DEAF ASSOCIATION, (2001) Good communication with people who have a hearing disability NURSING &MIDWIFERY COUNCIL, (2004) the Code of Professional Conduct