Executive summary
In this assignment, as it was asking us to choose one factor that affect the consumer behavior, I selected perception as the factor that I want to go through.
First I started with a brief definition of the consumer behavior which I said that is the process of studying actions that consumers do when he wants to buy, it is affected by different factors which are psychological and sociological.
As I took perception, a psychological factor, I started by define it, Perception is how people interpret the stimuli that they collect, using their 5 senses and transform them to a coherent image or information. We can notice that perception is linked to sensation and is depending on it.
Perception is constituted from different element, and these are: * Sensation: is the reaction to the stimuli collected by human 5 senses * The absolute threshold: is the minimum that makes human reacting, it is the smallest percentage that we can notice. * Just noticeable difference (JND). * Subliminal perception: is subliminal message used by markets that consumers memorize it in their
References: Khan, M., 2004. Consumer Behaviour. 2nd éd. s.l.:s.n. Lake, L. A., 2009. Consumer Behavior for Dummies. s.l.:s.n. Lantos, G. P., 2011. Consumer Behavior in Action: Real-Life Applications for Marketing Managers. s.l.:The copy work shop. Mothersbaugh, H., 2009. Consumer behaviour Building marketing strategy. 11th éd. s.l.:McGraw-Hill Irwin. Philip Kotler, K. L. K., 2012. Markeing Management. 14th éd. s.l.:Pearson. Schiffman, L. G., 2010. Consumer Behavior. New York: Pearson. Wayne D. Hoyer, D. J. M., 2008. Consumer behaviour. 5th éd. s.l.:South Western.