Consumer is the ultimate user of a product or service. The overall consumer market consists of all buyers of goods and services. They are faced with many decisions each day on deciding what product/brand should they use also where and how to get them. By learning consumer behavior, we understand that it involves the activities of people when obtaining, consuming and disposing products and services. Marketers strive to understand this behavior so they can better formulate appropriate marketing stimuli that will result in increased sales and brand loyalty. Culture plays a large role in determining what products will be successful in a market. Culture itself refers to a set of values, ideas, artifacts and other meaningful symbols that help individuals communicate, interpret and evaluate as members of society. Culture is manifested within boundaries of acceptable behavior. It may create a problematic issue for many marketers since it is inherently nebulous and often difficult to understand. For example, …… The sector of clothing constitutes one of the largest consuming categories. The latest tendencies of fashion and most innovations of the market of clothing are addressed mainly to the young persons. Thus, this paper will discuss how one’s culture affects their behavior in consuming clothes. The aim of this observation is to examine the tendencies and consumer behavior of the Chinese Manado culture toward clothing and make clear the several factors that influence them during the purchase process. Our observation is based on a group of girls within a middle-high social class and the age range of 19 to 21. Observation will be focused on how the culture influence the behavior of these girls in determining which clothes, style, or fashion trends they follow and consume.
Behavior of Consuming Products
As we have mentioned before that consumer behavior involves the activity of consumer undertake when obtaining,