I acknowledge my indebtness to my revered seniors and Staffs of Marketing Department whose invaluable guidance and ingenuity gave my mere ideas a concrete shape.
I really owe a debt of gratitude to Mr.Umesh Mathur and their staffs for delight help, experience and cooperation.
I extend my profound gratitude to Mr.Akhil Bajaj, Training and Placement officer GNA-IMT who guided me in arranging this training. I am also thankful to all the learned and experienced professors of Management department who spared their time for guiding me during my training tenure.
Though unnamed, the staff of various departments has been unstinting in their dispensable services. It is difficult to mention anyone but I am thankful to all the employees of JCT for helping me during my training period and for giving me their precious time. All may not be mentioned but no one is forgotten.
The project title “Consumer Buying Behaviour Regarding Branded Fabrics (With special reference to JCT Wardrobe)” is detailed study undertaken to have basic understanding of each and every department in the organization so that it will help me to work effectively and efficiently while performing various functions in the Marketing department. The basic aim to analyse the market condition of JCT Wardrobe, watch its performance and maintains the customer satisfaction.
After full processing and analysis of the information/data collected from different customers and retailers, I made certain observations and in light of it could manage to give some suggestions for various improvement of JCT Wardrobe.
I am highly indebted to Dr.D.R.Singh (Director General GNA –IMT), and Mr. Umesh Mathur(Sr. Manager Marketing JCT Ltd.) who helped me alot in research analysis. I also convey my sincere thanks to all those personalities who gave me
Bibliography: Lala Karam Chand Thapar (1900-1962)