This chapter is about research methods which would be used for taking the research further. It forms the basis for the entire approach used , tools of data collection, methods. Bryman and Cramer (1990) gave the research model. This model is very useful in understanding the research process and it makes the research more easy and simple to follow and understand.
Adapted from: Bryman and Cramer (1990), Research Process
4.2 Research design
Hakim (2000) compares a researcher designing a research project with an architect designing a building. Rajendra kumar (2008) defines research design as a logical and systematic plan prepared for conducting a research study. The research uses qualitative research which is the basis of the study and deductions. The qualitative approach to research is concerend with subjective assesment of attitudes , opinions and behavoiur (kothari ,2008). The understanding of the research design helps to further form the basis for this chapter.
4.2.1 Research approach
There are two types of approaches which are used those are deductive and inductive approaches. The inductive approach is being used here in which the data is collected first and then a theory is developed as a result of data analysis.
4.3 Methods for data collection
The approach used in this research includes both primary and secondary data. Secondary data includes a wide range of existing literature on the issue of branding and quality. This literature may include books, research papers and reports, project or annual reports. Both the qualitative and quantitative information would be gauged from the entire accessible source. In the primary research it would include focus group and high street interviews. Robson (2002) says that collection of primary data can be time consuming and tedious but can be rewarding if the research for information remains close to the issues relevant to the research topic.
For the