critical thinking legalizing same sex marriage
My main focus on writing this speech is solely on promoting/legalizing same-sex marriage. Same-sex marriage ought to be legalized in Canada for a simple fact that not doing so would in itself be a direct contradiction of what out great nation state is all about. All men are created equal so why all men are not treated as such is a tragedy that should be rectified. People who are opposed to legalizing same-sex marriage are inhumane, treating gay people with lack of respect1. If you have human feelings, you will legalize same-sex marriage2. Our orphanages are not full, but we want them to be as empty as possible, gay couples biologically can’t have children on their own, everyone knows that, however many gay couples that want children would revert to adopting 3that means that a lot of orphans would be given loving parents, a better home and proper education4. It really doesn’t matter who you are, straight or not love is love no matter what you can forbid people to marry just because they fall in love with a person of the same gender, that is just sick. What gives gay people fewer rights than straight people? They are humans, we all are humans, it’s not a sickness and it’s not a phase, its reality5. Most of the reasons people give about same-sex marriage is because it is against other people’s (or their own) religions. Well, that is not right or acceptable you cannot get mad at someone eating a doughnut just because you are on a diet, so why restrict someone for doing what they want. If you are a believer that two people of the same sex getting married will send them to hell, doesn’t that just make heaven better for you6. All these religious people not giving gay people the rights they deserve ,their opinions need not be heard, some of the gay people may not be religious at all7 and the straight people who are 70% likely to oppose same-sex marriage should be blamed. Yes, straight people should be blamed for making gay babies8. It is legal in more states to have sex with an animal than it is to w have same-sex marriage. If Christians really cared about same-sex marriage, they will fight against divorce9. Also, there has not been any proof of any kind to prove gay people natural born. Since it is in the nature of straight people to be attracted to the opposite sex, it is also the nature of gays to be attracted to the same sex and since there has been no reason to prove that gay people are naturally born that way, they are indeed naturally born that way10. All of the gay people that I have met personally are really nice, very friendly and jovial. It would not be wrong to say that our nation-state should be made up of more gay people11. All gay people are so gay, which is a good thing for less harm to occur, it is very healthy, and reduces depression and like I said earlier we all should be gay12.
There is a chance that if gay marriage is not legalizes in Canada, more gay people will commit suicide, making concerned people angered and they will protest resulting in a war that will clear more than half the population of Canada13. Gay people are humans, straight people are also humans, humans are allowed to get married, same sex marriage should be legalized, so gay people can also be married14.