Policies and Procedure Handbook.
As a Registered Childminder my aim is to promote a clean, safe, loving home-like environment where everyone feels valued whilst working together in partnership with parents to support and aid their children’s progress. Total respect towards self, others and our environment will be emphasised and reinforced constantly.
I will always aim to provide a quality, caring environment where standards are very high, each child’s independence can be realistically developed and where there is a wealth of learning opportunities. Learning opportunities will be a combination of structured and flexible activities to encourage each child to achieve their goals and …show more content…
I value the role of parents in helping their child grow into a happy and confident child who shows kindness for others and their surroundings.
I give adequate praise and attention to each deserving child.
I will help to build each child’s self-esteem through positive interaction and examples.
If a child shows unacceptable behaviour, they will be removed from the group/situation and be encouraged to engage in an alternative activity, as an attempt to return to acceptable behaviour. I will NOT administer physical punishment, or any form of punishment which causes pain, humiliation or discomfort. Hitting and hurting others are always wrong actions and are neither encouraged nor permitted in my home.
I have a duty of care towards all the children I care for and this duty brings with it the responsibility to ensure that all efforts are made to safeguard children from suspected and actual harm. Children have a right to feel safe, and in partnership with parents/carers, I have a responsibility to act on any concerns I may have regarding a child’s welfare and well‐being. The Legal framework for this policy;
• Children Act …show more content…
As such I believe I have a duty to the children, parents/carers and myself to act quickly and responsibly in any instance that may come to my attention. I will work as part of a multi‐agency team where needed in the best interest of the child.
I will follow the procedures set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage statutory framework and Milton Keynes Safeguarding Children’s Board Guidance, and as such will seek advice on all steps taken subsequently. I have a duty to report any suspicions around abuse to the Children’s Services access centre who, under the children Act 1989 have an obligation to investigate such matters.
I will not make comments either publicly or in private about a parent’s supposed or actual behaviour, strict confidentiality will be observed at all times. It is my policy to provide a secure and safe environment for all children from abuse. Therefore I will not allow an adult to be left alone who has not received their enhanced CRB check clearance and I will regularly refresh/update my safeguarding training.
What is child