As a future employee of these businesses, I must continue to stay informed of these changes in order to keep a job, also by keeping up to date on changes and development of new technologies, I can identify potential upgrades for the company making manufacturing/production more cost effective. I imagine as electronic field advances and replacement parts are more accessible or can be easily manufactured parts through 3D printers. I suspect that more and more electronic repair jobs will be outsourced to private contractors, unless I as the technician am able to develop and capitalize on new technology. Being proactive in continuing my education will keep me abreast of changes in the electronic field. Informally, I can accomplish this through researching via the web, understanding the difference between search engines and databases will be the key to keeping up to date accurate information. These databases will allow me to research though magazines or academic journals in the field of technology and engineering. Formally, I can accomplish this through certification provided by the company, or through college classes that provide certification and credentials for newly arisen …show more content…
As a student at Thomas Edison State University, my education plan is to finish the remaining 18 credits need for BA in Electronic Technologies prior retiring from the United States Navy in eighteen months. Paying for the courses is being accomplished through the Navy Tuition Assistance Program that allows me to take up to 16 credit hours a year. Purchasing of books will require budgeting each month, by setting aside fifty dollars in preparation for the upcoming expense of the text books. Also the resale of text books upon competition of class will help reduce the overall cost. Coordinating the time to take each course is determined by my current work schedule. Courtesy of Thomas Edison State University’s online course programs, I am able to plan my courses in a cascading effect, so that I am not taking more than two classes at a time with finals on due in the same week. The six courses I need to complete are English Composition II, Calculus I and II, and three humanities. The three humanities that I will accomplish are American Literature I and II and Humanities II Drama, Poetry and Narrative. Pending my work load and holiday schedule I will plan my courses to be finished by the end of the year, that way I can attend the spring graduation ceremony. The last step in my current education