Unit Number: CYP Core 3.1 Unit Reference: L/601/1693 1. Understand the expected pattern of development for children and young people from birth to 19 years.
1.2 Explain the difference between sequence of development and rate of development and why the difference is important.
The sequence of development or ’sequential development ‘ is a process were a series of events are followed one after another, finally leading to a mature state when these series of developmental changes are achieved successfully and normally. This means that children must first finish one area of development before moving to another developmental milestone.
The cephalocaudle principle believes that development moves from the head downwards. The infant will first need to gain control of the head and upper trunk, then the arms and lastly the legs. For example a baby will first start rolling sideways, thereafter he/she will then try sitting down, and soon after start crawling. When the baby is between the ages of 10 to 12 months he/she will then stand by holding on to something or holding an adults hand, until the baby reaches a stage of succession were he/she can walk independently.
The rate of development is the pace a child develops and grows at. These principals are taken into all accounts through all areas of development from mental to physical to intellectual and emotional maturity. Growth is a continuous process which differs for all individuals.
It is perfectly normal for one baby to walk at 10 months, whilst it is also perfectly normal for another baby to achieve the same skill at the age of 18 months, but no baby can manage to walk before sitting up properly.
If a child is clearly showing delays in any aspect of growth, it can be a cause of concern which may lead to the child being given a special recommendation to help aid in everyday life such as school.
Development progresses in a step-by-step matter and proceeds from the simple to the complex. Each achieved behaviour forms the foundation for more advanced behaviours, whilst rates of development vary vastly among children as well as in particular developmental areas in a single child.