
Daniel's Monologue

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Daniel's Monologue
“Yen,” His voice rasped out, echoing against the walls. He was tired, starving, and sick of this perverted game of hers. It was always just a game to her.
The woman barely gave him a glance, instead staring at the glowing crystal pulsating in the middle of the room. She muttered another passage of words, alien to him, and then gave a long exasperated sigh. “And to think I was worried you’d died.” She purred softly.
Daniel said nothing.

“What do you think you’re going to accomplish Yen?” He demanded, pounding his fist into the dirt. “How much more are you going to sacrifice for this fucking research of yours?”
Yen gave him a pitiful look, like she almost cared. “I gave you a choice Daniel. You turned your back on me and spat on my gift.
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He picked up a rock from the ground and tossed it at the witch. As he expected, the pebble bounced off in the opposite direction as though it had hit an invisible wall. In the light of the chamber Yen looked transmuted, somehow much less human than Daniel remembered her, and he averted his eyes, disgusted.

“You swore.” He muttered, eyes darting to anything, everything, just to avoid gazing at the woman he once shared his vows.
“Daniel, I’ve grown rather tired of your perceived notions. Promises are an awfully inconvenient thing. Loosely tied vows dangerous for both the speaker and the recipient. And besides I never
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Dusk was falling rapidly.

It was growing dark now.
“And why then, is everything to remain as it is?” he asked, drawing out each word.
“Now that is a silly little question kid.” Dikstra spat out. “Nothing worth a damn of your concern that is.”
“And what if I insist?”

“Don’t stand there lecturing me about morals you son of a maggot!” Diksta roared, hand swerving towards the hilt of his blade. “I grow tired of this conversation. Morals? Ethics? You spit out those words like they mean something, but we both know your kind are nothing, nothing but a pack of murderers. The minute you get a hint of coin, you stab em in the back, bloody thieves or not. And you dare turn your nose at me you bloody serf? Be gone before I run my blade through your gut!”
Daniel did not stir, he stood calmly, observing the seams of the room as if he were a curious child. At last he spoke.
“It’s better that you leave the city now Dikstra. The King knows of your machinations already, he’ll will have a bounty on your head by the morrow. And if he doesn’t see you at the pyre, I’ll have to step in.
Dikstra growled, drawing his sword in a flash.
“You asked for this you rutty dog.

Sunlight pierced through his eyelids, pounding against his

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