First, setting goals will help you focus on where you need to get to, instead of fooling around when you shouldn’t. I once read that having no goals to aim for is like shooting an arrow with no target, and it’s true. What are you aiming for in life if you have no dreams to reach? By setting goals, it will motivate you to keep going. Whether it’s for your education or in your career, you will want to keep pushing yourself so that you can become the best that you can. As Dr. O. Carl Simonton once said “Goals are simply tools to focus your energy in positive directions, these can be changed as your priorities change, new ones added, and others dropped.”
Also, choose your friends carefully because who they are you will become. Numerous people say that their friends do not influence them, but the sad truth is, is that they do. Peer pressure is an outrageous force; therefore you need to choose friends that will benefit you in the long run. Select friends that will elevate your way of living and will lift up your self-esteem. Especially if you’re at the age where you’re trying to figure yourself out, you need to be very cautious of who you surround yourself with. Stay away from those who bring negative energy into your life.
One of the most important factors to staying out of trouble is pursuing an education. Pursuing an education is very important in today’s society because nothing is free. You will not be able to get a decent job without a high school diploma, or at least a GED. If you decide to go further in your educational experience it will benefit you even more. Going to college will expand your opportunities in life. Become someone with a title, because these type of people are ones who get to enjoy life to its fullest.
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