The audience can also see that his eyebrows are furrowed and angled; representing the anger that is within him. The passengers are all trying to get in touch with their families at home to let them know what is happening and how much they love them; coming to a realisation that they are going to die. An example of people coming together during this scene was how the other passengers managed to get ahold of their loved ones. To call somebody from the plane you would need a certain pass that can be only granted to a certain amount of people, the flight attendant and others were kind enough to hand over their passes and use their credit to allow other passengers who weren’t fortunate enough to call their families and friends. This scene represents the theme of people together because they each developed a better understanding towards each other and gave them all a sense of knowing that they told their loved ones how much they appreciate them before they die. Leading them to fight back. In the end of the film Todd Beamer and the male passengers rebel against the terrorists by ambushing them with whatever weapon they can find within the back of the
The audience can also see that his eyebrows are furrowed and angled; representing the anger that is within him. The passengers are all trying to get in touch with their families at home to let them know what is happening and how much they love them; coming to a realisation that they are going to die. An example of people coming together during this scene was how the other passengers managed to get ahold of their loved ones. To call somebody from the plane you would need a certain pass that can be only granted to a certain amount of people, the flight attendant and others were kind enough to hand over their passes and use their credit to allow other passengers who weren’t fortunate enough to call their families and friends. This scene represents the theme of people together because they each developed a better understanding towards each other and gave them all a sense of knowing that they told their loved ones how much they appreciate them before they die. Leading them to fight back. In the end of the film Todd Beamer and the male passengers rebel against the terrorists by ambushing them with whatever weapon they can find within the back of the