The video succeeds in making an emotional connection with the viewer, utilizing family, childhood and devotion. The strongest example of this is when the man looks at a photograph of himself with his father, standing by the truck, years ago. The audience can recognizes moments from their own life that mirror what they are watching, and an emotional connection is established. I found this advertisement to be very persuasive, even though I don't buy General Motors products. I found myself wanting an old, reliable truck, a truck I could depend on, a truck once owned by my dad. In reviewing this video several times, I find the execution to be spot on. If I were to change anything, it would have been the weather. I think an overcast day, with a light rain would have brought another layer to the emotion, especially at the end, when the family leaves the shop on foot. If it was raining, and the family were under an umbrella, it would have emphasized their commitment to fixing the truck, no matter how they might be
The video succeeds in making an emotional connection with the viewer, utilizing family, childhood and devotion. The strongest example of this is when the man looks at a photograph of himself with his father, standing by the truck, years ago. The audience can recognizes moments from their own life that mirror what they are watching, and an emotional connection is established. I found this advertisement to be very persuasive, even though I don't buy General Motors products. I found myself wanting an old, reliable truck, a truck I could depend on, a truck once owned by my dad. In reviewing this video several times, I find the execution to be spot on. If I were to change anything, it would have been the weather. I think an overcast day, with a light rain would have brought another layer to the emotion, especially at the end, when the family leaves the shop on foot. If it was raining, and the family were under an umbrella, it would have emphasized their commitment to fixing the truck, no matter how they might be