Self driving cars have shown to be an outstanding solution for drunk driving, reckless driving, and even just a way to save gasoline. Time is one of the largest concerns for drivers nowadays, and self driving cars may be able to take care of this problem because while driving itself, it will be able to take quick shortcuts. Also, with the computer driven car, the driver could relax and enjoy a book or a movie. An autopilot option could allow the driver to take control on back roads and enjoyable places, but when the car entered a highway, the computer could take over, so that the driver would not have to deal with high speeds and dangerous …show more content…
Humans can be extremely dangerous and irresponsible when driving, in fact statistics state that 1.3 million people die from crashes each year.(Association For Safe International Road Travel).
Driverless cars know the road, and are able to take the right path in the right way. The amount of deaths caused by self driving cars so far is 0.
Even though self driving cars can save lives, there is a strong bond between drivers and their cars that no computer can ever break. All in all most drivers enjoy the road and feel a part of their car like no one ever could. Driving is a part of them and changing that could make a turn for the worse. Manual driving makes people more alert, and ready, which improves reaction time and motor skills. Also, NASCAR a well known sport involving cars, would be completely removed. If no one was driving NASCAR would not