The three key elements of Montessori method of education are: 1. The adult(the directress-humble teacher) 2. Environment(prepared environment) 3. Apparatus(the Montessori materials and tools)
Let us discuss in detail the three elements of Montessori method 1. The adult:
The adult should prepare herself first in order to work with children. She has to guide the child in a passive manner according to the laws of development of the child. She should not be forceful and authoritative. She should give non directive guidance to the child.
The adult must be a good observer she should observe each and every child and note the developmental stage in which the child is. This will help her in preparing the environment carefully for each child.
Preparing and maintain the environment meticulously for a child is one of the most important factor in Montessori method this has to be done by the adult because she is the link between the child and the environment.
The adult should learn to follow the needs and requirements of the child and prepare the tools accordingly. She should respect the children.
She is the model to the children so she should have the warmth, calmness and flexibility in her actions. She should be able to attract the attention and respect of the child from her way of talking, actions and attitude.
The adult must keep a record of the development and social behaviour of each and every child. She should have close contact with the parents of each child and invite them for a monthly meeting so that she can tell about the child’s development and make them also help the child at home. The parents must be explained about the activities going on in the prepared environment.
The adult must be committed and devoted to serve the child to bring out the potentialities and develop the personality of the child. She is the guiding spirit in Montessori education though