Almost everywhere you look, there are over stressed people. Henry David Thoreau’s ideas on simplicity were relevant then and now, and if we wish to follow his lead, we must cut down on all unnecessaries.
It seems as if the world is this never-stopping carousel of industrialization. The world is constantly working on and releasing newer, more advanced products such as cars, electronics, and more innovative, everyday items like vacuums or makeup. We make these efforts in advancement to “make life easier” right? That is the overall point of it all, to make life easier. But according to the American Institute of Stress (or AIS) 44% of Americans feel more stressed now than they did 5 years ago. What does this tell us? It means all these transformations aren’t necessarily making life easier, people AREN’T feeling less stress. In fact, people are feeling more stress!
Henry David Thoreau was a …show more content…
I decided to delete all my social media, which was Instagram and Snapchat. I had realized I was looking at them far too often, and I longed for a change. My phone used to be the very first thing I looked at every single morning when I awoke, and the last thing I’d look at before I fell asleep (not to mention regularly throughout the day). This changed when I deleted my social medias. Now I talk face to face with more people, and I have more free time throughout the day. That 3.99 ounce weight has been lifted from my hands, and I feel relieved. I know it sounds strange, but it’s almost like the social medias were a constant task in the back of my mind I was endlessly stressing myself over. Everywhere I went, everything I saw, everything I did, was tainted with thoughts in the back of my mind like “Get a picture for instagram” or “Take a video for snapchat” and so on. I couldn’t escape it. I was a natural animal trying to live my life, but my mind was stuck in a social media-barred