Answer :
To design a program a trainer has to assess several factors. First the trainer should understand the need of the training. Then assess the training needs. Finally, according to the assessment, design a specific type of training programme. The training and development programme for workers, supervisors and mangers has to design separately.
Programme Designing.
The designing of the programme for the workers is normally done on the following basis:
a) To improve job knowledge and skill to perform
b) To change attitude to improve industrial relations
c) To learn to produce quality products
d) To develop team spirit and belongingness
Designing of the programme for supervisors is done on the following basis:
a) Administrative control
b) Effective managerial practices
c) Improved technical skill and knowledge
d) Redressing of total profile of a supervisor
e) Market competitions and government policies.
f) Optimize resources through better supervision and tight control.
g) Safety procedures. Etc.
I addition to these methods we can include other methods such as
1) Self development training
2) Training through laboratory
3) Grid team training
4) Training for team building
All the above mentioned training can be done through lectures or role play.
After studying the organizational objectives and identifying the Training and development needs the following steps will be taken in designing the programme for workers, supervisors and other managerial staffs.
They are :
a) Define the objective
b) Match the objectives with training needs
c) Phase out the knowledge, skill and attitudinal changes desired
d) Outline the programme
e) Determine training methodology and location for training
f) Schedule the programme
g) Monitor the programme
h) Develop evaluation and follow up actions.
Finally we will evaluate the training through the performance of the workers, supervisors and