We run into the problem of money and power when it comes to genetically altering babies. Of course we want to believe that we would do it for the mere health aspect of our children but there are people that would take advantage of this advancement. This is where the restrictions are applied and the reason why this advancement has not taken off as fast as one would think. People are mostly competitive by nature. We compete for everything from love to prizes to recognition and we strive to be the best whether you know it or not.…
I do not think we should change human DNA and genes to make “better” people. God created people the way they were for a reason. We don’t need to try to control people’s characteristics. I don’t think people or governments should get to decide if they are going to genetically modify their kids. Genes are a set of instructions that determine an organism’s appearance (OI). They are found on chromosomes (OI). Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes (OI). Scientists have been able to find a gene that makes people not feel any pain (Doc. 2). People are thinking about altering genes to make babies smarter (Doc. 4). There is also the possibility of altering genes to prevent illnesses (Doc. 3). Some genetically modified kids could have aggression…
The author also makes it clear there are many people for designer babies; they see the positives to the “mad science”. Many families will use this after having one child with a disease and they want to be sure their next child doesn’t suffer from the same thing. People who carry genes that may cause life threatening childhood illness should be able to have healthy children if science can assist them, said an anonymous scientist. Tuhus-…
My thoughts on designer babies is that it is a wonderful thing to research, but now it's crossing the line. It's amazing how we can take DNA and change it to what we like it to become, but this is someone’s life you are changing. Not only this, but this is now a rather large debate going on about this. Whether or not this practice is palatable or not. It's important to research and make amazing discoveries, but putting someone's life on the line shouldn't be something to put under the…
When the topic of designer babies is presented, there is a multitude of ethical reasons that arise; one important concept is the questioning of how safe it is. The side effects of such a process are still unknown. Although the transfer of the DNA could be successful, there is a great possibility of a reshuffling of the entire genome. Assuming that the transfer and selectivity is completely safe, can it truly be considered…
Should designer babies be allowed to happen or should babies just be born naturally. I think that designer babies should be allowed in some ways to like fix a birth defect not to make the baby but to help it live. So that is kinda why i think that designer babies should be allowed to be used but in some cases it would be better for the parents if they had the kid and for it to not be made. Because some parents want their own kid and not a made kid by scientists. I agree that designer babies should be used so that we can save kids lives.That is all I can say about the introduction.…
Genetic modification is becoming closer and closer to an everyday possibility. With this possibility comes a whirlwind of possible effects, both positive and negative. There has been a history of opposition towards these technologies, oftentimes because of fear that the capabilities would be abused. However, the potential that newborns could be born free of hereditary diseases outweighs the fear of “designer babies”.…
One of the major topics we touched on in class was, should we continue to use technology to manipulate genes to make "designer babies"? I had come across the topic before in a book called My Sister's Keeper. While I believe it is quiet noble to give one of your organs to help another being survive especially someone like your sister, I think it is wrong to simply have a child for that sole purpose: to be an organ and blood donor. In this case as a designer baby, the child would have no initial say as to whether they want to actually partake in donating their organs and blood or not. Ethics certainly plays an immense part in making "designer babies" due to a lack of foresight that technology cannot give us. I am truly split on this topic.…
Your child wouldn’t have to suffer from hereditary diseases, they would be accepted by society, they’d have a long life, etc. Women who were not fertile could have the procedure done if they could not conceive a child, but the process of genetic engineering has many cons as well. For example, if the technology were available, knowing the exact lifespan of a child would weigh heavily on a parent. How could the child grow up knowing when they would die because of a flaw in their parent’s DNA, something they had no control of? How could the parent live with the guilt of knowing how much time they had with their son or daughter? Sexual procreation combines the best and worst of the male and female by taking the risk of not knowing what their baby may…
Modifying genes could be a way of preventing unwanted traits or enhance characteristics (Against Designer Babies, Sheldon Krimsky). Unfortunately, CRISPR is a first generation tool, so there is no possibility no damage will be done to the baby. As well as no security, the baby will not have any life-threatening defects, as it is known that “curing” one disease causes another. In fact, this will create a bad relationship between parents and children (The Ethnic of ‘Designer Babies’, Tia Ghose), since the children have no choice in being modified. Using babies to alter their characteristics is using them as science experiments since there are over one hundred genes that account for each trait and fifty genes account for three percent of one gene (Against Designer Babies, Sheldon Krimsky). With many parents willing to allow these experimentations to occur on their baby, it will come at a huge…
I believe that there are choices that come with a science like this. Using genetic engineering to alter people's faces, eye color , or intelligence levels is not ethical or biblical. Ephesians 2:10 states, For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works. This means that God meant to make us the way we look. Altering appearances negates God’s will. However, improving someone's quality of life for the better by removing extensive pain or suffering is God’s will. Cosmetic use of genetic engineering is an uncharted risk that could have unintended consequences ,while also bothering 83% of the population.…
At the begging people will be against it, over the years people will turn over to the change but is that a good thing? If modifying a baby has its good side then it should also have it bad sides. Right now on earth we have over 7 billion people and if everybody besided to start having Designer Babies there will be no individuals why?.. Because everyone will be this extremely intelligent, mega strong non-aging human being. We are not all meant to be the same. If you have a bad gene wear your bad gene. The fact that people can make newborns in to technically robots, is something to think about. Having a Designer Baby means you can choose what your baby looks like,acts like,if they have any allergies if they look more like mom or dad if even if they look them at all. But what would that mean for our future? If all kids become Genetically Modified no one would be different we would all be the same wouldn’t it, because if we all become the ultimate human with zero flaw, there would be individuality. Im talking about shape,strength, intelligents those are all different levels in every human being on earth, if you go in and make everyone's levels has high as they can be, we would be no different than robots. “It is true that Genetic Engineering can cure many diseases but it can lead to new ones as well. How do we know for sure that mixing DNA to…
To start off, considering a family does choose to genetically modify and separate a child from the true family line of genes can have really bad risks. The procedure in which designer babies are made outside the mother's stomach like stated before the main questions for this is "Is the baby getting enough food and nutrients?" Although, that is not the only risk. Just putting the genes inside is a risk...The embryo inside can pop causing the baby to die. On the other hand this can be justified, all birth can lead to a miscarriage natural or not. Having a designer baby or natural baby, both children will get the same kind of care to make it out safely.…
There are many ways in which Designer Babies can benefit the baby and it's future. All the studies and all the benefits support the claim that Designer Babies is a good thing. This matters because of how this idea could impact the future of all humans, just a few examples could be: humans would all be smarter, healthier, and live longer. The only way this can be achieved is if people realize how much Designer Babies can really benefit mankind. People must realize all of the benefits that come with Designer Babies, notice how this could actually save lives, and benefit the human race for the future and years to…
With technology advancing everyday, there are starting to become more options in which to have a child. Designer babies are becoming an increasing choice for soon to be parents. With these designer babies, they have the ability to breed the best possible child which is called eugenic engineering. Some of the advantages of designer babies are identifying diseases to a child, choosing the sex of the child and even creating the physical appearance. The only thing standing in front of it is a question. Are creating designer babies ethical?…