Identify possible ways of moving the helping relationship forward – 2.3
During this week, after taking part in the class activity about the helping relationship, I have discovered that I can now identify many ways of moving the helping relationship forward. I believe that when the helper has been congruent from the beginning in the helping interview stages, this will display to the client that the counsellor is totally transparent, non-judgemental, that the counsellor has empathy towards the client and understands them. The Relationship as a working alliance works well when the bond forms from trust and confidence. The relationship is a meeting for relearning and I agree that both helper/client have responsibilities related to outcomes. Tasks will bring the client closer to his or her goals and a healthy relationship is developing as a result. I recognise that the working relationship should, by now be established and the client will have the confidence and willingness to explore their own feelings without feeling uncomfortable. I'm supposing they may now talk about areas that are difficult for them and will possibly divulge information of a very personal nature. Its important for me as a helper to assist Clients and I am viewing respect as the Foundation when I Show a non-manipulative and non-exploitative approach to clients and I am thinking value Empathy is a primary attitude when walking in someone else’s shoes.
I understand that the relationship is built around trust and support and I'm considering the formation of boundaries when I make it clear that I am not there to fix clients. I agree that it is very important to provide structure that is workable and as a helper I am identifying ways of moving the relationship forward when I establish boundaries to maintain a secure working alliance and ensuring that the client’s needs are met. In this lesson I am feeling confident that I understand what Client empowerment is. I'm