Nature and nurture work together to help children master important development tasks, especially in the areas of language acquisition, cognitive development, and development of social relationships. The rapid development of language ability is one of the most amazing development feats of early childhood. Babbling begins about 4 months of age, and is the first step toward language development. Grammar, telegraphic speech, and use of morphemes follow in just a few year. Cognitive development refers to the emergence of mental abilities such as thinking, perceiving, and remembering. Jean Piaget suggests that children progress through four distinct stages : the sensorimotor stage, the pre-operational stage, the concrete operations stage, Piaget's four stage doesn't begin until adolescence The third developmental task of childhood is development of social relationships. Erikson observed three major developmental stages during childhood: autonomy, initiative, industry. Optimal development at each stage increases the chances for mastery of each successive stage.