Forks over Knives is a documentary detailing the global illnesses and obesity crises due to the “Western diet”. 40% of Americans are obese and over half are taking some form of prescription drug. Lipitor, a statin drug, is the most prescribed drug in the world, although there are genetic mutations many people have that are linked to statin sensitivity (1). More than 2.2 trillion dollars a year are spent on healthcare. More per person is paid on healthcare than any other industrialized country.…
The author of this essay proved many useful points in regards to the Western Diet. In order for people to change their nutrition many things have to change as well, but is it too late? Almost every food we buy and put in our mouths is full extra additives and hormones. How whole is our food really? Comparing Americans diet to other countries proves that a healthy lifestyle with better nutrition is possible. Are the people that benefit from the consequences like doctors who treat patients with heart disease, high blood pressure or diabetes or pharmaceutical companies willing to give up everything that bring in revenue? I think we know what the…
Methods of food consumption and dietary habits of humans have changed drastically over the course of time. In the United States (US), a study by the USA Department of Health and Human Services records a significant increase in daily calorie intake by men to be approximately 7% between the periods of 1971-2000. Women, on the other hand, increases by an astounding 22%. This results in an increase in obesity levels by 16.4% (United States Department of Health and Human Services, 2004). The rise in the number of people being obese is not limited to the US alone.…
How might we plot our escape from the nutritionist and, in turn, from the most harmful effects of the Western diet? To Denis Burkitt, the English doctor stationed in Africa during World War II who gave the Western diseases their name, the answer seemed straightforward, if daunting. “The only way we’re going to reduce disease,” he said, “is to go backwards on diet and lifestyle of our ancestors.”” (423) Which sums up fairly well that this point is that the problem is more about our current social structure when it comes to food. “For most people for most of history, gathering and preparing food has been an occupation at the very heart of daily life.”…
References: Balding, C., 2005. Olympian ambitions. The Guardian, [online] (Last updated 01:34 AM 13 February 2005) Available at: [Accessed 01 July 2013].…
Pollan states that the western diet is the root cause of health problems in countries that subscribe to it. He examines these countries, and the health consequences that they suffer due to their diet. He also provides examples of the alternative countries which focus on the traditional and cultural diet instead, resulting in comparatively better health. Pollan argues that the western civilization’s transition from whole foods to refined foods, from quality foods to quantity foods, from complex foods to simple foods and from culture food to science food is the main reason for the health problems that we have today.…
There are some issues when it comes to looking at how social context may influence the ability of health education campaigns to change behaviour in relation to health. One of these issues is financial constraint. This issue can put pressure on the public to try and fulfil leading a healthy lifestyle. Many people may not be able to afford the prices of healthy foods, for example; fresh fruit and vegetables, because of this they may feel inclined to go for meals which are quick to cook and cheap to buy. For example, eating in fast food restaurants seems to be a popular option, cheap and not much hassle seeing as someone else is cooking their food for them. What they do not know is that by eating this food, they are not maintaining the nutrients they need in order to have a healthy lifestyle.…
Although we already know it is essential to eat a healthy diet, we may find it more challenging to sort through all of the information about nutrition and food choices. Nutrition is the provision to cells and organisms of the materials necessary (in the form of food) to support life. Healthy eating helps prevent high cholesterol and high blood pressure and helps reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes. Many people today in America are malnourished and it is mostly due to indulging in unhealthy/poor dietary intake. These problems can be controlled by utilizing a multidisciplinary approach to public education. The doctors, social workers, nurses, dieticians and other health educators involved in health promotion should all have a part in ensuring and promoting healthy dietary intake with appropriate food portions and increasing physical activity.…
Western diet has made it impossible for society to gain power in choosing a alternative diet that can provide the the source of nourishment that netizens need. In creating plans of boosting carbohydrates with antioxidants, probiotics, and omega-3s it has led to diagnoses of severe illnesses. Which the medical community has gained new products and procedures from the effect of the Western diet. Although, the society can’t afford to buy whole food due to its high price, spend time in preparing food that are low in fat rather than buying processed meals and fast foods filled with chemicals. Your ideal of a healthy diet will reflect the people around you. They way you eat is the way your family will eat. Choose a life that you and your family can benefit. In conclusion, Pollan strongly argued his disgust in the damage the food industry has created and caused to the…
Within this study researchers investigated University students on their nutrients belief and their health behavior intention. In order to gather data for this study researchers used an online survey in which they received 253 questionnaires in return (Hak- Sean et al., 2012). This survey only targeted students who had knowledge of how important nutrient is to their health. By students having the knowledge of how important eating healthy is to their health demonstrated the HBM theory. In which people were knowledgeable of the consequences if they choose to eat unhealthy. By doing so people were more prone to eating health and wanting to live a long and healthier lifestyle. This shows that education is very important when relating to good health behaviors (Glanz et al., 2015). Overall, this study help shed light on significance of why it’s important to educate people on good health outcomes.…
There is a way to live happier and healthier than at least 80 percent of people living in the United States alone today. The dilemma being faced is the option of country life and city life and which is the healthier option. This situation is an issue because people that are living in the city think the city is a healthier and better lifestyle with all their health precautions and closer distance to work or shopping. However, people living in the country think their way of life is good for health reasons. A concept has to be proven because both ideas may be the same, or it is possible that one idea out benefits the other. People living in the country are transcendentally healthier than those living in the city due to being away from the stressful…
The foods we buy and consume impact our everyday lives in a variety of ways from our health to the economy. The articles, “Escape from the Western Diet,” written by Michael Pollan, and “How Junk Food Can End Obesity,” written by David H. Freedman, both describe the supposed lifelong effects of changing your diet. Particularly, the effects that certain foods may have on the public’s health and issues with obesity. Pollan describes what a western diet lacks in its relation to vitamins, nutrients, and micronutrients, using this as an explanation for several illnesses, stating that a plant based diet is the key to better health. In contrast, Freedman argues that the lack of actual evidence that links the typical Western diet…
Over the years I have noticed a great change in my lifestyle choices to improve my standard of living and some choices I still struggle to change. Having physical health isn’t always enough. It is very important to be healthy mentally, physically and socially. I understand personal factors do come into play since every individual has a different upbringing, different cultural backgrounds that have an effect on the way they choose to live their life.…
When it comes to keeping the human body, nutrition is the most essential part of everyone’s life. If people do not have full control, it will affect the way they will be in the future. Any change to someone's diet will change their body in the long run, whether it be positive or negative. It is quite apparent, especially in America, that the common person’s nutrition has gone down hill. Since the 1980s, the rate of obesity has inflated double the amount for adults and triple for children (“Obesity” p. 1). Shockingly, America spends more on fast food than on college education, computers, software and cars combined. In fact, in 2005, Americans spent one hundred thirty four billion dollars on fast food alone. In the ‘70s, America only spent six billion (Schlosser p. 10). I am not one to blame McDonalds for the drastic rise of poor nutrition. There are obviously other reasons why. I mainly blame the misinformation and myths that the general public has been told. The reason why that people are more unhealthy now than in the past is…
Unfortunately, after completing my diet analysis, I found out that my daily caloric intake is 1,5 times higher than it is recommended. According to the USDA website my caloric intake should be 1880 per day, by in reality it is 2972 (about 3000 per day). Now I understand why I started to gain weight, even though I don’t eat much or often.…