Differential instruction is adjusting teaching methods to meet the individual needs of all students in the classroom(1). Differentiated instruction is used during a lesson if students are having troubles grasping a concept changing the lesson to help kids understand is an example …show more content…
Student learn in different ways,there are many theories on different types of learning and smarts. Gardner came up with the nine intelligences, his list of intelligences contained : Naturalist Intelligence, Musical Intelligence, Logical-Mathematical Intelligence, Interpersonal Intelligence, Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence, Linguistic Intelligence, Intrapersonal Intelligence(Gardner). Each intelligence is a different way children can learn content. understanding different learning styles is an important tool for teaching. It is important because if one approach does not get the desired effect there are new approaches to try. To see if students retained content they were taught using different learning styles and approaches to assess what knowledge they …show more content…
VAKT is the best known learning style, because it focuses on how children learn. Children learn through seeing, hearing , doing activities and touching objects(VAKT). VAKT is an important tool for teachers to have an understanding of learning types. Visual learning is learning type where everything is learned by sight. Anything that is an image qualifies as a visual learning activity. Visual learning happens when information is processed through the visual, picture-oriented center part of the brain.When teaching children who are visual learners in the lesson putting some type of visual aid into the lesson will help students learn better. An example of visual aids that could be used in a lesson are books,photos on slide, drawings and many more(VAKT). Auditory learners learn through hearing, information is processed in the language center of the brain(VAKT). Auditory learners learn best from spoken instructions rather than written instructions. Tools for auditory learners are audio books, videos, puppet shows, and more. using one of these tools while teaching a lesson can increase the learning ability of auditory