The peculiarities of translating phraseologies
Informative translation
Phraseology: Word-groups with Transferred meanings
Phraseological problems of translation
Methods of handling an idiom
Usually when people speak about translation or even write about it in special literature they seldom specific about the meaning. Translation means both a process and a result, and when defining translation we are interested in both aspects. But at the same time we need the result of translation since alongside with the source the translated text is one of the two sets of observed events we have at our disposal if we need to compare the original (source) text and the resulting (target) one.
However, the formation of the source and target texts is governed by the rules characteristic of the source and target languages. Hence the system of the two languages is also included in our sphere of interest. These systems consist of grammar units and rules, morphological and word-building elements and rules, stylistic variations, and lexical distribution patterns (lexico-semantic paradigms).
In translation we deal with two languages and to verify the information they give us about the extralinguistic objects (and concepts) we should consider extralinguistic situation, and background information.
The structure of the translation should follow that of the original textthere should be no change in the sequence of narration or in the arrangement of the segments of the text.
The aim is maximum parallelism of structure which would make it possible to relate each segment of the translation to the respective part of the original. It is presumed that any breach of parallelism is not arbitrary but dictated by the need for precision in conveying the meaning of the original. The translator is allowed to resort to a description or interpretation, only in case direct translations impossible.
Having considered all this, we shall come to understand that as an object of linguistic study translation is a complex entity consisting of the following components:
1.Elements and structures of the source text;
2.Elements and structures of the target language;
3.Systems of the languages involved in translation;
4.Transformation rules to transform the elements and structures of the source text into those of the target text;
5.Conceptual content and organization of the source text;
6.Conceptual content and organization of the target text;
7.Interrelation of the conceptual contents of the source and target texts.
The theme of my diploma paper is Translating of the phraseologies in newspaper materials.
The aims of my diploma paper are:
1.To find definition of translation as an object of linguistic study in terms of process and outcome;
2.Stages of the phraseology translation;
3.The methods and ways if translating idioms;
4.To distinguish the rules of their translation and use it in practice.
Idioms, words and word combinations are very different as to the problems they present for translation.
Material newspaper-information genre forms the main contents newspaper text. The Translator public-political literature often happens to translate the article and marks of the information English nature and American newspapers, and he follows well to know the stylistic particularities such material.
Coming there of purpose given term paper is concluded in determination of translation equivalence in text newspaper-information material for performing marked purposes are put following problems:
1. Consider the particularities newspaper- stiletto.
2. Analyse the particularities of the translation newspaper-information material.
4.-Translate newspaper English article and American newspaper
5. Analyse the translation.
In given course is used a method contextual analysis.
The Subject given studies are an article from newspaper Financial Times, The Globe, Sunday.
The peculiarities of translating phraseologies
Informative translation
Though the basic characteristics of translation can be observed in all translation events, different types of translation can be signed out depending on the predominant communicative function of the source text or the form of speech involved in the translation process.
Informative translation is rendering into the target language non-literary texts, the main purpose of which is to convey a certain amount of ideas, to inform the reader. However, if the source text is of some length, its translation can be listed as literary or informative only as an approximation. A literary text may, in fact, include some parts of purely informative character. Here we may single out translations of scientific and technical texts, of newspaper materials, of official papers and some other types of texts such as public speeches, political and propaganda materials, advertisements, etc.
English newspaper reports differ greatly from their Russian counterparts due to the frequent use of colloquial, slang and vulgar elements, various paraphrases, eye-catching headlines, etc.
When the translator finds in a newspaper text the headline Minister bares his teeth on fluoridation which just means that minister has taken a resolute stand on the matter, he will think twice before referring to the ministers teeth in the Russian translation. He would rather use a less expressive way of putting it to avoid infringement upon the accepted norms of the Russian newspaper style.
Journalistic (or publicistic) texts dealing with social or political matters are sometimes singled out among other informative materials because they may feature elements more commonly used in literary text (metaphors, similes and other stylistic devices), which cannot but influence the translations strategy. More often, however, they are regarded as a kind of newspaper materials (periodicals).
The Main stylistic devil of the research text is exact and clear interpretation of the material under nearly full absence that expressive element, which will add the speech emotional saturation, main stress is done on logical, rather then on emotional-voluptuous side stated.
The truth, it is necessary to note that under the whole its stylistic remoteness from alive colloquial language, rich varied expressive facility, research text all comprise of itself known amount more or less neutral on colouration of the phraseological combinations of the technical nature, for instance: in full blast
Полной тягой the wire is alive
Провод под током the wire is dead
Провод отключен
Unlike neutral language of the research text, the language newspaper article often emotional is saturated that draws near him (it) to language of the artistic literature. We meet in him figurative comparisons, metaphors, idioms, elements of the humour, sarcasm, ironies and t. d. Aside from the whole this newspaper article has usually determined political directivity.
All this puts before translator public-political text additional problems.
The full-fledged translation of the newspaper material aside from practically exact issue of the contents must be given before reader and all emotional elements, concluded in original, in the same way either as his(its) political directivity.
Using the phraseological combinations of the type verb + noun:
to have a discussion
Instead of to discuss to give support
Instead of to support
To give recognition
Instead of to recognize
The Particularities of the development presses in USA and England have imposed the bright stylistic imprint on headline newspaper article, translation which, on the strength of their specifics, presents the known difficulties.
ST: Clinton Raises His Eyebrows
TT: поднять брови
Phraseology “to raise the eyebrows” will send the feeling or surprises or contempt. To elaborate importance for case in point address to text of the mark:
From text becomes clear that the question is feeling of the surprise, and now we can give the translation of the headline, striving herewith to save the element to figurativeness. Since, however, image, lying English in base of the expression
Which is alien Russian language, we have to have recourse to analogue.
The Political terminology, particularly typical of newspaper-information stiletto, possesses same main devil, which characteristic and research terminology. Together with that they find and some differences, connected with smaller strictness and ordinary of the terminological systems in public-political sphere, as well as with dependency of importance of the row term from corresponding to ideological concept. In newspaper-information material quite often meet the ambiguous terms, terms-synonyms, shortened terms and names. The Term state in political terminology USA can signify both, and state:
ST: Both the state and Federal authorities are bent on establishing a police state.
In the first event term state costs (stands) in one row with determination and certainly marks the government a staff unlike government of the whole country. In the second event state is used in importance. The Term “Congressman” can have more broad importance meaning “член американского конгресса” - or more narrow – “член палаты представителей (конгресса США)”.
ST: Last year a number of American Senators and Congressmen visited the Soviet Union. Alongside with Congressman, in his (its) narrow importance is used and his(its) synonym Representative. The Charters different organization can be referred to as on-English Regulations, Rules, Constitution, Statutes or Charter. Broadly known terms often are used in text in shortened form
ST: Youth is also virtually excluded from Congress, the average age of members of the Senate being 56 years and of the House 51 years.
Here shortened House is used instead of full term The House of Representatives.
The Same term can get the miscellaneous importance depending on ideal directivities of the text, in which he is used. The Term idealism can be used in philosophical sense as name of the world outlook, withstanding materialism, and have positive or negative sense depending on ideal of the positions of the author. But else more often he is used in positive sense, directly matching up with notion ideals – “идеалы” and meaning “служение (приверженность) высоким идеалам (или принципам)”, (The Foreign Secretary 's most elaborate and numerous speeches seem to prove that idealism is his guiding star.).
Broad use in newspaper-information stiletto of the names and names does the message concrete and refers the sent information to certain persons, institutions or region. This expects significant preliminary (background) of the knowledge beside Receptor, allowing him to the name with named by object. So, English Receptor outside of context is well known that Park Lane - a street, Piccadilly Circus - an area, a Columbia Pictures - company. The Names and name are quite often used in newspaper-informative material in shortened to form. Quite often these reductions can be an unknown broad the reader and their importance is then and there deciphered in most mark or message. But exist many such shortened names, to which readers of the newspaper long ago got accustomed and which so do not need for explanations. The Abundance of the reductions is a typical devil newspaper-information stiletto of modern English. Sr. names party, the trade union, different sort organization and job titles: AFL-SYU = American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations, OOP = Grand Old (Republican) Party, DD = Defense Department, NAACP = National Association for Advancement of Colored People, DA = District Attorney; the surnames or familiar nickname known political or public figures: JFK = John F, Kennedy, Rocky = Rockefeller, Ike = Eisenhower, RLS = Robert Louis Stevenson; the place names: NJ = New Jersey, Mo = Missouri, SF = San Francisco, S.P = South Pacific, E-W = East-West, etc.
The Typical particularity English newspaper-information stiletto is concluded in stylistic different lexicon. Alongside with book lexicon here are broadly used colloquial and poetical words and combinations:
ST: Instead of answering the Minister took the line of you 're another, that other West German Ministries and the police had still more ex-nazis in them than Ms own ministry.
ST: The Tories hope to get away with it by invoking their old familiar maxim when in trouble, wave the Flag.
ST: The much vaunted the New Frontiers, the Alliance for Progress and other similar programs have joined the snows of the yesteryear.
Gf. You 're another (сам дурак), to invoke an old maxim and to join the snows of the yesteryear.
In the field of phraseologies newspaper-information style distinguishes broad use ready molded or cliché. Here we find as multiple introductory turns, pointing to the source of the information (it is reported, it is claimed, our correspondent reports from, according to well-informed sources), firm combinations with lost by figurativeness (to set the tone, to throw light, to lay the corner-stone, to give the lie), so and variety of political stamp of the type government reshuffle, vested interests, an unnamed Power, generation gap, a foregone conclusion, etc.
In newspaper-information material are noted and some particularities to syntax organization of the text presence of the short independent messages (1-3 utterances), consisting of long offers with complex structure (Marooned by a gale on a skeleton of a fire-gutted Wyle light-house in Morecombe Bay, with their dingey swamped, nine workmen last night decided to risk the two-mile journey back over the sands to Fleetwood), maximum crushing the text on paragraphs, when nearly each offer begins with new line, presence subheading housed text for increasing of the interest of the readers, frequent use the multiple attributive groups (Paris underground and bus transport services were stopped today by a 24-hour warning strike called by the CGT (French TUC) with the support of other unions). Particularly clearly, lexical-grammatical specifics newspaper-information stiletto reveals itself in newspaper headline.
The Central place in description phraseological correspondence to occupies the problem of the equivalent reproduction of importances of the figurative phraseological units. The Semantics of such units presents itself complex informative complex, having as subject-logical, so and connotative components.
The most important of them with standpoint of the choice of the correspondence to in TT are following):
1) Figurative or figurative component of importance of phraseology;
2) Direct or subject component of importance of phraseology, forming base of the image;
3) Emotional component importance of phraseology;
4) Stylistic component importance of phraseology;
5) national-ethnic component importance of phraseology.
In Russian figurative phraseology “ездить в Тулу со своим самоваром” on base of direct importance of the combination, expecting knowledge that that exactly in Thulium did the most best samovars, is kept portable importance to deliver anything there, where this and without that much. phraseology will send the negative attitude to marked (does not follow so enter), has a colloquial nature (sr. book-literary images of the type “перейти Рубикон”; “Сизифов труд”) and clearly expressed national attribute (“Тула” and “самовар” can be used for making the image, certainly, only in Russian language). The specified components of importance are not equivalent with standpoint of their reproduction in text of the translation. The most important are components 1, 3 and somewhat 4. The Equivalent correspondence to in TT must without fall reproduce the figurative sense translatable of phraseology, express ditto emotional attitude (positive, negative or neutral) and have such (or at least neutral) stylistic feature. The Conservation of direct importance of the phraseological unit it is important not as much itself as for conservation of figurativeness. So as required figurative sense can be sent in translation by means of other image, but occasionally happens to use and the same correspondence to, deprived to figurativeness to save the main component of importance
1). Reproduction national-ethnic of the component saves the national coloring of the original, but occasionally can obscure the figurative sense and prevent the achievement to equivalence since Receptor of the translation cannot possess the background knowledge of the original Receptor (not to know that Tula is glorified samovar). The Essential influence national-ethnic of the component on choice of the translation correspondence to reveals itself in that that from number correspondence to is excluded units TT, possessing like a component of importance. We shall Recall that text of the translation is prefixed foreign Source (the author of the original), and appearance in translation national painted phraseologies usually turns out to be inappropriate, forcing, for instance, Englishman to speak of such Russian realiya, as “Тула”and “самовар”, or exclaim “Вот тебе, бабушка, и Юрьев день!” expecting that his (its) collocutor known that this signifies.
Phraseology: Word-groups with Transferred meanings
Phraseological units, or idioms, as they called by most western scholars, represent what can probably be described as the most picturesque, colourful and expressive part of the languages vocabulary.
Phraseological units are figurative set expressions often described as idioms. Such units have an important role to play in human communication. They produce a considerable expressive effect for, besides conveying information, they appeal to the reader 's emotions, his aesthetic perception, his literary and cultural associations. Whenever the author of the source text uses an idiom, it is the translator 's duty to try and reproduce it with the utmost fidelity.
Now an idiom 's semantics are a complex entity and there are five aspects of its meaning that will influence the translator 's choice of an equivalent in the target language. They are the idiom 's figurative meaning, its literal sense, its emotive character, stylistic register and national colouring. The figurative meaning is the basic element of the idiom 's semantics. Thus red tape means bureaucracy, to kick the bucket means to die, and to wash dirty linen in public means to disclose one 's family troubles to outsiders. The figurative meaning is inferred from the literal sense. Red tape, to kick the bucket, and to wash dirty linen in public also refer, respectively, to a coloured tape, an upset pail and a kind of laundering, though in most cases this aspect is subordinate and serves as a basis for the metaphorical use.
Set phrases possess certain properties of individual words. Some of them are elevated:
ST: A hard nut to crack
TT: крепкий орешек
ST: wink at small falts
TT: люди – не ангелы
ST: Much ado about nothing
TT: Много шуму из ничего
ST: The sword of Damocles
TT: Дамоклов меч
Some are subneutral:
ST: To err is human
TT: На всякого мудреца довольно простоты
ST: That hit the mark; that went home
TT: Не в бровь, а в глаз
ST: One man, no man
TT: Один в поле не воин
Among the elevated phrases we can discern the same groups as among the elevated words:
ST: When Greek meets Greek then comes the tug of war
TT: Нашла коса на камень
ST: Even Homer sometimes nods
TT: На всякого мудреца довольно простоты
ST: Judge not, that you be not judged
TT: Не судите, да несудимым будете
Bookish phrases:
ST: To go to Canossa to submit
TT: Идти в Каноссу; унижаться; смиряться; признавать себя побежденным
ST: Gordian knot a complicated problem
TT: Гордиев узел; трудноразрешимое, запутанное дело
Foreign phrases:
ST: To make advance
TT: стараться расположить заранее в свою пользу
ST: Mot juste the exact word
TT: В каждой шутке есть доля правды
Subneutral phrases can also be divided into:
1.Colloquial phrases:
ST: Silence gives consent; no answer is also an answer
TT: Молчание – знак согласия
ST: A good name will sell itself
TT: Не слыть, а быть
2.Jargon phrases:
ST: We shall see what we shall see
TT: Поживем - увидим
3.Old slang phrases:
ST: When Queen Anne was alive
TT: При царе Горохе
ST: To have a head and so have a pin
TT: Ума палата, да ключ потерян
ST: To work best who knows one’s trade
TT: Дело мастера боится
ST: The exception proves the rule.
TT: Исключение подтверждает правило.
The Relationship to histories and cultures of folk with language particularly brightly reveals itself on phraseological level. The Large number of the proverbs, sayings reflect the specific national line, root their own leave in history of folk, his(its), custom, traditions.
We shall compare, for instance, English and Russian proverbs:
ST: Christmas comes but once a year
TT: Не все коту масленица
ST: To have one 's cake and eat it
TT: И волки сыты, и овцы целы
ST: A cat may look at a king
TT: Не боги горшки обжигают
ST: A drop in the bucket
TT: Капля в море
ST: To kill two birds with one stone
TT: Убить двух зайцев
Typical is that appearance of phraseologies itself or firm word-combinations occasionally are explained the changes to public life of folk, origin of such conditions, in which social value of the words so great that she gains the line of symbolism.
So, for instance, in England in 70-e years on decision on transition to united type of the schools (comprehensive schools) conservative circles government have answered beside official document, protesting against given decisions and requiring his (its) canceling.
These documents known in system of the British formation as Black books, accordingly their authors name Authors of black books.
Thereby possible from words having cultural component to select three groups:
3.background lexicon
The First - a word, serving for expression notion, which are absent in other culture, and not having direct equivalent outside the language, to which they belong to.
The Second - a word, which not simply point to subject, but also carry in itself indication his (its) discriminating characteristic.
Background lexicon - a word or expressions, having additional contents and accompanying semantic or stylistic tone, which are superimposed on his (its) main importance, the known speaking and listening belong to given language culture.
Phraseological problems of translation
Translating a phraseological unit is not an easy matter as it depends on several factorsdifferent combinability of words, homonymy, synonymy, polysemy of phraseological units and presence of falsely identical units, which makes it necessary to take into account of the context. Besides, a large number of phraseological units have a stylistic-expressive component in meaning, which usually has a specific national feature. The afore-cited determines the necessity to get acquainted with the main principles of the general theory of phraseology.
The following types of phraseological units may be observed phrasemes and idioms. A unit of constant context consisting of dependent and constant indicators may be called a phraseme. An idiom is a unit of constant context which is characterized by an integral meaning of the whole and by weakened meanings of the components, and in which the dependant and the indicating elements are identical and equal to the whole lexical structure of the phrase.
Any type of phraseological unit can be presented as a definite micro-system. In the process of translating phraseological units functional adequate linguistic units are selected by comparing two specific linguistic principles. These principles reveal elements of likeness and distinction. Certain principles of these systems may correspond in form and content (completely or partially) or have no adequacy.
The Typical particularity of the phraseological units that is to say bound word-combinations is a prevalence of importance integer on importance component. So translator happens to translate phraseology as indissoluble integer, orientating not on importances his (its) component, but on the general importance whole integer. The Primary task of the translator here - keep a check on adherences of the rates to combinability of the words in Russian language at translation, since quite often influence English to combinability brings about word-for-word. The Problem of the translator is not only issue on Russian language of the sense of phraseology, but also issue to his (its) figurativeness and expression. The English phraseology differs big semantic and stylistic non-differentiates that obstructs the finding a correspondence to at translation.
The Best way of the translation is using equivalent or variant correspondence to.
The phraseological equivalent is identified such figurative phraseological unit in language of the translation, which completely corresponds to on sense and stylistic directivity to phraseology in language of the original and which is founded on one image with him.
Interlingua equivalence
The Notion of Interlingua to equivalence. The Criteria to equivalence
Equivalence of the translation - a generality of the contents (semantic vicinity) of the original and translation; the equivalent translation - a translation, reproducing contents of the original on one of the level of equivalence. The Level (the type) to equivalence - a degree to semantic vicinity of the original and translation, defined by part of contents of the original, saved at translation.
Follows to distinguish potentially attainable equivalence, under which is understood maximum generality of the contents two different language text, allowed difference of the languages, on which are created these texts, and translation equivalence - real semantic vicinity original text and translation, reached by translator in process of the translation. The Limit to translation equivalence is greatly possible (linguistically) degree conservations of the contents of the original at translation, but in each separate translation semantic vicinity to original in miscellaneous degree and miscellaneous way approaches to maximum. The Differences in system IYA and PYA and particularity of the creation text on each of these languages in miscellaneous degree can limit the possibility of the full conservation in translation of the contents of the original. So translation equivalence can be founded on conservation (and accordingly loss) of the sense element miscellaneous, being kept in original. Depending on that, what part of contents is sent in translation for provision of his (its) equivalence, differ the miscellaneous a level (the types) to equivalence. On any level of equivalence translation can provide international communication.
The main types of phraseological conformities are as follows:
1.Complete conformities.
2.Partial conformities.
3.Absense of conformities.
4.Complete conformities.
Complete coincidence of form and content in phraseological units is rarely met with:
ST: Black frost
TT: сильный мороз
ST: to bring oil to fire
TT: подлить масло в огонь
Partial conformities
Partial conformities of phraseological units in two languages assume lexical, grammatical and lexico-grammatical differences with identity of meaning and style, i.e. they are figuratively close, but differ in lexical composition, morphologic number and syntactic arrangement of the order of words. One may find:
Partial lexic conformities by lexic parameters (lexical composition):
ST: to lose ones temper
TT: выйти из себя, потерять терпение
ST: to dance to somebodys pipe
TT: плясать под чью-либо дудку
Partial conformities by the grammatical parameters:
1.Differing as to morphological arrangement (number)
ST: to fish in troubled waters
TT: ловить рыбу в мутной воде
ST: to agree like cars and dogs
TT: жить как кошка с собакой
ST: to keep ones head
TT: не потерять головы
2.Differing as to syntactical arrangement
ST: strike while the iron is hot
TT: куй железо, пока горячо
ST: armed to teeth
TT: вооруженный до зубов
ST: All is not gold that glitters
TT: Не все золото, что блестит
Absence of conformities
Many English phraseological units have no phraseological conformities in Russian. In the first instance this concerns phraseological units based on realiae. When translating units of this kind it is advisable to use the following types of translation:
1.A verbatim word for word translation.
2.Translation by analogy.
3.Descriptive translation.
A verbatim translation is possible when the way of thinking (in the phraseological unit) does not bear a specific national feature:
ST: to call things by their true names
TT: называть вещи своими именами
ST: the arms race
TT: гонка вооружений
ST: cold war
TT: холодная война
Translating by analogy
This way of translating is resorted to when the phraseological unit has a specific national realiae.
Descriptive translation, i.e. translating phraseological units by a free combination of words is possible when the phraseological unit has a particular national feature and has no analogue in the language it is to be translated to:
ST: to enter the House
TT: стать членом парламента
ST: to cross the floor of the House
TT: перейти из одной партии в другую
The complex character of the idiom 's semantics makes its translation no easy matter. But there are some additional factors which complicate the task of adequate identification, understanding and translation of idioms.
First, an idiom can be mistaken for a free word combination, especially if its literal sense is not exotic (to have butterflies in one 's stomach) but rather trivial (to measure one 's length, to let one 's hair down).
Second, a SL idiom may be identical in form to a TL idiom but have a different figurative meaning. Thus, the English
ST: to lead smb. by the nose
TT: водить за нос implies a total domination of one person by the other and
ST: to stretch one 's legs
TT: протянуть ноги means to take a stroll.
Third, a SL idiom can be wrongly interpreted due to its association with a similar, if not identical TL unit. For instance:
ST: to pull the devil by the tail that is to be in trouble, may be misunderstood by the translator under the influence of the Russian idioms
TT: держать бога за бороду or TT: поймать за хвост жар-птицу
Fourth, a wrong interpretation of a SL idiom may be caused by another SL idiom similar in form and different in meaning. Cf. to make good timeand to have a good time.
Fifth, a SL idiom may have a broader range of application than its TL counterpart apparently identical in form and meaning. For instance:
ST: to get out of hand is equivalent to the Russian
TT: отбиться от рук and the latter is often used to translate it:
ST: The children got out of hand while their parents were away.
TT: В отсутствии родителей дети совсем отбились от рук.
Exist three main types correspondence to figurative phraseological unit of the original.
Whole complex of importances of the translatable unit is saved In the first type correspondence to. In this case in TT there is figurative phraseology, coinciding with phraseological unit of the original both on direct, and on portable importance (founded on the same image). As a rule, such correspondences to come to light beside so named of international phraseologies, unoriginal both languages from some third language, ancient or modern:
ST: The game is not worth the candles
TT: Игра не стоит свеч.
ST: The sword of Damocles
TT: Дамоклов меч
ST: to play into somebody 's hands
TT: играть кому-либо на руку
Use the similar correspondence to most pack reproduces foreign phraseology.
In the second type correspondence to alike figurative sense is sent in TT by means of other image at conservation all other component semanticists of phraseology:
ST: to get up on the wrong side of the bed
TT: встать с постели не с той ноги
ST: to ton back the clock
TT: повернуть вспять колесо истории
ST: Abird in the hand is worth two in the bush
TT: лучше синицу в руки, чем журавля в небе.
Use correspondence to this type provides it is enough high degree to equivalence provided that Russian phraseology does not possess brightly expressed by national colouration.
The Third type correspondence to is word-for-word method of translating foreign figurative unit:
ST: He was not fit to carry water for her.
TT: Он был недостоин и воду таскать для нее
ST: to put the cart before the horse
TT: ставить телегу впереди лошади
ST: Necessity is the mother of invention.
TT: Необходимость – мать изобретательности.
The Correspondences to of this type applicable only in that event if image in source unit it is enough transparent, and his (its) reproduction in translation will allow the Receptor of the translation to understand sent portable importance (in Russian understandable that to put the cart before horse means to break the correct sequence an action). But if in original is used phraseological joining, where relationship between portable and direct importance it is not enough clear, that Kalka image will bring about destruction of the sense of the phraseological unit. In such events quite often happens to in general to abandon to using the phraseological correspondence to and settle for the description main (i.e. portable) of the sense of the translatable combination:
ST: to mind one 's P 's and Q 's
TT: соблюдать осторожность
ST: to dine with Duke Humphrey
TT: ходить голодным, остаться без обеда
ST: to grin Neck a Cheshire cat
TT: широко улыбаться
Though origin such phraseological units usually can be discovered by way of the special studies, it, as a rule, little is known original Receptor itself, and their portable importance is not removed from most image. Kalka of image is broadly used for issue national-ethnic of the component of phraseology importance:
ST: to carry coals to Newcastle
TT: возить уголь в Ньюкасл
ST: Rome was not built in a day
TT: Рим не был построен за один день (не сразу Рим строился)
ST: He will not set the Thames on fire.
TT: Он Темзы не подожжет.
Herewith, however, translator happens to take care of that that image was a comprehensible Receptor of the translation (but for this necessary, for instance, know that Newcastle is a center of coal mining in England), and as required provide fullness of understanding by means of corresponding to footnotes and notes. But the English idiom can be used whenever somebody or something gets out of control while the Russian idiom has a more restricted usage:
ST: What caused the meeting to get out of hand?
TT: Почему собрание прошло так неорганизованно?
The possibility of misinterpreting an idiom in the source text calls for a great deal of vigilance on the part of the translator.
Methods of handling an idiom
There are four typical methods to handle a SL idiom in the translating process. First, the translator can make use of a TL idiom which is identical to the SL idiom in all five aspects of its semantics, e.g.:
ST: to pull chestnuts out of the fire for smb.
TT: таскать каштаны из огня для кого-либо.
Second, the SL idiom can be translated by a TL idiom which has the same figurative meaning, preserves the same emotive and stylistic characteristics but is based on a different image, that is, has a different literal meaning, e.g.:
ST: make hay while the sun shines
TT: Куй железо, пока горячо.
Third, the SL idiom can be translated by reproducing its form word-for-word in TL, e.g.:
ST: People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
TT: Люди, живущие в стеклянных домах, не должны бросать камни.
Fourth, instead of translating the SL idiom, the translator may try to explicate its figurative meaning, so as to preserve at least the main element of its semantics.
Selecting the appropriate method of translation the translator should take into account the following considerations:
Translating the SL idiom by an identical TL idiom is, obviously, the best way out. However, the list of such direct equivalents is rather limited. The translator has a good chance of finding the appropriate TL idiom if the SL idiom, is, so to speak, international, that is, if it originated in some other language, say Latin or Greek, and was later borrowed by both SL and TL. Cf. the English:
ST: Achilles ' heel and the Russian:
TT: Ахиллесова пята, Ахиллова пята.
Equivalent idioms may be borrowed in more recent periods, too, e.g.:
ST: the game is not worth the candle
TT: Игра не стоит свеч
(both borrowed from French). Even if the translator has managed to find an equivalent idiom in TL he may not be able to use it in his translation because of a difference in connotation. For example, the English:
ST: to save one 's skin can be replaced with the Russian
TT: спасти свою шкуру when its meaning is negative. But it may also have a positive connotation, which its Russian counterpart has not and then the translator will have to look for another way.
Whenever the translator fails to find an identical TL idiom he should start looking for an expression with the same figurative meaning but a different literal meaning.
ST: to get out of bed on the wrong side
TT: встать с левой ноги. Here the change in the literal meaning of the idiom does not detract much from its effect. Two additional factors, however, should be taken into consideration.
First, here again the translator should take care to preserve the original emotional or stylistic characteristics.
ST: Jack of all trades
TT: мастер на все руки both refer to a person who may turn his hand to anything. However, the Russian idiom should not be used to translate the English one, as they are quite different emotionally. In English Jack of all tradesis derogatory, for he is master of none, while the Russian saying implies that the man can do many different things well. Similarly, the English
ST: can the leopard change his spots which is a literary idiom, should not be translated by the Russian
TT: черного кобеля не отмоешь добела which is highly colloquial, verging on the vulgar.
Second, this method of translation should not be used if the TL idiom is distinctly nationally marked. As a rule the translation is presumed to represent what has been said by the foreign author of ST and he is not expected to use definitely Russian idioms such as, for instance, “ездить в Тулу со свом самоваром”.
A word-for-word translation of the SL idiom is not possible unless the Russian reader will be able to deduce its figurative meaning. Therefore a caique of the English idiom
ST: a skeleton in the cupboard will be counterproductive, while
ST: to put the cart before the horse can be well rendered as:
TT: ставить телегу впереди лошади.
Obviously an explication cannot reproduce the semantics of the SL idiom in a satisfactory way and should be used only in the absence of a better alternative.
ST: cut off with a shilling
TT: лишить наследства or ST: to dine with Duke Humphrey
TT: остаться без обеда.
In translation we deal with two languages and to verify the information they give us about the extralinguistic objects (and concepts) we should consider extralinguistic situation, and background information.
Informative translation is identified the translation a text, which the main function is concluded in message of some information, rather then in artistic-aesthetic influence on reader. All material scientific pertains to such text, business, and public-political, home and pr. nature. Here follows to refer and translation many detective (police) tale, descriptions journey, essay and that like product, where dominates purely information narrative. Division by artistic and informative translation indicates on the main function of the original only, which must be reproduced in translation. Practically, in original, requiring, as a whole, artistic translation, can be separate parts, executing solely information functions, and, opposite, in translation of informative text can be elements of the artistic translation.
In informative translation subspecies of the translation stand out on base accessories translatable text to different functional style ST. Herewith necessary that function-stylistic particularities original should define and specific line of the translation such text. On this sign stand out in special subspecieses translation research material, translation officially-business material, translation politician-publicistic material, translation newspaper-information material, translation patent material and others Specific particularity, influencing on process of the translation, possesses and newspaper-information style. The Primary task material this stiletto is concluded on communication determined information with determined position and hereunder in achievement of the desired influence on Receptor. The Contents newspaper-information messages differs from research information, in particular, that that here the question is phenomena available to understanding broad layer of non-specialists, in accordance with their life and interest directly or indirectly. Since however problem is concluded in message some fact, and here necessary exact indication notion and phenomena. Thence important role term, names and names, uniquely pointing to subject of the thoughts.
English newspaper reports differ greatly from their Russian counterparts due to the frequent use of colloquial, slang and vulgar elements, various paraphrases, eye-catching headlines, etc.
The Central place in description phraseological correspondence to occupies the problem of the equivalent reproduction of importances of the figurative phraseological units. The Semantics of such units presents itself complex informative complex, having as subject-logical, so and connotative components.
The Relationship to histories and cultures of folk with language particularly brightly reveals itself on phraseological level. The Large numbers of the proverbs, sayings reflect the specific national line; root their own leave in history of folk, his (its), custom, and traditions.
Translating a phraseological unit is not an easy matter as it depends on several factors: different combinability of words, homonymy, synonymy, polysemy of phraseological units and presence of falsely identical units, which makes it necessary to take into account of the context. Besides, a large number of phraseological units have a stylistic-expressive component in meaning, which usually has a specific national feature. The afore-cited determines the necessity to get acquainted with the main principles of the general theory of phraseology.
The Typical particularity of the phraseological units that is to say bound word-combinations is a prevalence of importance integer on importance component. So translator happens to translate phraseology as indissoluble integer, orientating not on importances his (its) component, but on the general importance whole integer. The Primary task of the translator here - keep a check on adherences of the rates to combinability of the words in Russian language at translation, since quite often influence English to combinability brings about word-for-word. The Problem of the translator is not only issue on Russian language of the sense of phraseology, but also issue to his (its) figurativeness and expression. The English phraseology differs big semantic and stylistic non-differentiates that obstructs the finding a correspondence to at translation.
The structure of the translation should follow that of the original text there should be no change in the sequence of narration or in the arrangement of the segments of the text.
The process of translation may be represented as consisting of three stages:
1.Analysis of the source text, situation and background information
2.Synthesis of the translation model
3.Verification of the model against the source and target context (semantic, grammatical, stylistic) situation, and background information resulting in the generation of the final target text.
It is important to bear in mind that in human translation (unlike automatic) the intermediate representation of the target text will comprise on the conscious level only the most problematic variations of translation which one cannot resolve immediately.
ST: The hardest hit are a majority of northern territories.
TT: В особо тяжелом положении оказывается подавляющее большинство северных регионов.
It’s possible to use alliteration in translating of Russian phrases to express emotional attributive groups.
ST: This is no small achievement for a different policy in international relations. It is aimed at promoting dialogue so as to resolve disputes at the negotiating table.
TT: Такой исход является заметным достижением той линии в международных делах, которая направлена на диалог, урегулирование проблем за столом переговоров.
“Meozis” – the type translation in which the ST phrase is expressed by the negative equivalent (great – no small), for instance:
ST: not frequently
TT: часто
ST: it is not expected that
TT: закономерно, что
ST: it is not inconceivable that
TT: вполне возможно, что
ST: no small
TT: заметно
ST: The United Nations broad involvement in developments all over the world is the raison d’etre of this international forum.
TT: Широкая причастность ООН к делам и событиям в мире обусловлена самим назначением этого форума.
The French borrowing “raison d’etre” is not used in Russian newspapers. Its translation “самим назначением” is not the only meaning, but here it makes the TT more expressive.
ST: Recent experience clearly shows that social factors have become a major road block to the solution of many economic problems.
TT: Опыт последних лет наглядно показывает, что социальные факторы стали главным тормозом на пути решения многих экономических проблем.
The English word “break” (тормоз) has a metaphoric meaning, but the phrase “road block” allows making the equivalent more acceptable and idiomatic.
ST: The regional administration insists that new taxes will be a one-way street, and, if anything, they will put the regions at a serious disadvantage.
TT: Администрация области утверждает, что новая система налогообложения пойдет на пользу только центру, а для регионов обернется серьезными издержками.
The reason of stylistically idiomatic in English texts is the usage of English metaphors for expressing other Russian stylistic devices.
ST: Our aspirations and strivings are embodied in specific decisions directed at effecting a turn for the better in the country’s economy.
TT: Наши помыслы и стремления воплощаются в конкретных решениях, направленных на улучшение экономической обстановки в стране.
The synonymic groups of words are used mostly in publicity texts. The best way is to use other SD instead of finding the same synonymic group in TT.
ST: There is nothing magical about detente. It is a practical policy and has always been.
TT: Разрядка в отношениях между государствами не возникает по волшебству. Она была и есть результат конкретных практических усилий.
It should be pointed out the predicative synonymic constructions such as “has been and continues to be”-“был и есть”. They are right grammatically, but not stylistically (contextually). It is better to substitute an English construction.
ST: After becoming involved in city politics, he was rewarded for his services to the King by being made Lord Mayor of London, serving four terms between 1397 and 1420.
TT: Он стал участвовать в политической жизни города, и за заслуги перед короной король назначил его лорд-мэром Лондона. На этом посту он оставался четыре срока с 1397 по 1420.
ST: Europe’s leaders trust that these criticisms will pale into insignificance when the full import of expansion begins to grip the public mind.
TT: Лидеры европейской интеграции считают, что как только важность расширения Европейского Союза начнет утверждаться в сознании общества, эта критика постепенно сойдет на нет.
Verification against semantic and grammatical contexts performed either simultaneously or the verification against semantic context is delayed until the availability of a relevant semantic reference which may be available in one of the following rather than in one and the same sentence. Cases when the grammatical, semantic or situational references are delayed or missing present serious problems for translation.
A cat may look at a cake
Не боги горшки обжигают
A drop in the bucket
Капля в море
Achilles’ heel
Ахиллесова пята
All is not gold that glitters
Не все золото, что блестит
Armed to teeth
Вооруженный до зубов
Black frost
Сильный мороз cart Телега
Christmas comes but once a year
Не все коту масленица
Cold war
Холодная война
Egyptian darkness
Тьма египетская
From head to foot
С головы до пят
Вовлечение; причастность
Jack of all trades
Мастер на все руки
Raison d’etre
Само назначение
The arm’ race
Гонка вооружений
The game is not worth the candles
Игра не стоит свеч
The sword of Damocles
Дамоклов меч
To agree like cats and dogs
Жить как кошка с собакой
To bring oil to fire
Подлить масло в огонь
To call things by their true names
Называть вещи своими именами
To carry
To cross the floor of the House
Перейти из одной партии в другую
To cut off with a shilling
Лишить наследства
To dance with smb. pipe
Плясать под чью-либо дудку
To dine with Duke Humphrey
Остаться голодным
To embody
To enter the House
Стать членом парламента
To fish in troubled waters
Удить в мутной воде
To get out of hand
Отбиться от рук
To grip
To have one’s cake and eat it
И волки сыты, и овцы целы
To hinder
Помешать; мешать
To impede
To implement
To keep one’s head
Не потерять головы
To kill two birds with one stone
Убить двух зайцев
To lead smb. by the nose
Водить за нос, обманывать
To lose one’s temper
Выйти из себя, потерять терпение
To make hay while the sun shines
Ковать железо, пока горячо
To mind one’s P’s and Q’s
Соблюдать осторожность
To pale
To play into smb. hands
Играть кому-либо на руку
To pull the devil by the tail
Поймать за хвост жар-птицу
To put the cart before the horse
Ставить телегу впереди лошади
To save one’s skin
Спасти свою шкуру
To stretch one’s legs
Протянуть ноги
To ton back the clock
Повернуть вспять колесо истории
A hard nut to crack
Крепкий орешек
One man, no man
Один в поле не воин wink at small falts
Люди – не ангелы
Judge not, that you be not judged
Не судите, да несудимым будете
That hit the mark; that went home
Не в бровь, а в глаз
We shall see what we shall see
Поживем - увидим
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