Before I was capable to talk, I said some words with no sense, I was trying to repeat everything that I heard from my mother. At first I only made sounds, when I was laughing I made a completely different sound that when I was angry or sad. When I was hurt I cried but was not the same kind of cry that when a was hungry. My mother told me that she knew what I wanted just with see me how I cried. I do not remember any of this but my grandmother one time told me that my first word was mom. I think that the reason is because when I was a baby she always said to me, mom, hey Darian say mom, so after I heard so many times that word I finally could pronounce it and that one was my first word. Took me a long time to learn how to talk and the same things happened to me when I was able to walk, or to learn the colors or the
Before I was capable to talk, I said some words with no sense, I was trying to repeat everything that I heard from my mother. At first I only made sounds, when I was laughing I made a completely different sound that when I was angry or sad. When I was hurt I cried but was not the same kind of cry that when a was hungry. My mother told me that she knew what I wanted just with see me how I cried. I do not remember any of this but my grandmother one time told me that my first word was mom. I think that the reason is because when I was a baby she always said to me, mom, hey Darian say mom, so after I heard so many times that word I finally could pronounce it and that one was my first word. Took me a long time to learn how to talk and the same things happened to me when I was able to walk, or to learn the colors or the