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I completely avoid them. For this reason, I like teaching a self-contained special education class and taking online courses. However, I do not worry if people are judging me, as those who struggle with social anxieties often do (Richards, 2012). Likewise, I am not fearful of public speaking as I was in my youth. My husband and I are presenters in marriage preparation retreats and share our testimony with over 40 couples, and I enjoy it. Yet, I panic at the thought of being in a social gathering, especially in family get-togethers. I frequently avoid work parties, family gatherings on both sides, and other events where I must be social. At the thought of attending a barbecue or any social event, my heart races, I become moody, and I anxiety kicks in. I feel as I am underwater, holding my breath until I leave. I have not identified the exact problem, even after exploring personality