Everyday millions of Americans go through cups of coffee a day and most people don’t even know how it affects your body. I am one of those people and I have always wondered what caffeine does to my body. This topic interest me a lot because I drink coffee on a daily about 2 times a day and I want to know if there are any short term effects and long term effects and if I should be worried about drinking too many drinks with caffeine in them. I want to find out the pros and cons to drinking beverages with caffeine in them to know if it is worth drinking them or are there better drinks out there I should be drinking. Some question I have are does caffeine affects your growth, because I have heard that multiple times that it stunts your growth but it doesn't seem to be affecting mine. Another question would be does it do anything to my brain that will affect me in the upcoming years? Also does caffeine actually keep people awake or does it make them more tired? I plan to answer all …show more content…
I found out in an article by Mary Gavin that in fact coffee or caffeinated drinks do not stunt growth but in fact it stimulates the central nervous system which can lead to growth stunt but very rarely does it. Caffeinated drinks also have some short and long term affects to it. Speaking short term effects, caffeine starts affected your body after an hour on an empty stomach and last usually 4-6 hours. Since caffeine acts as a stimulate, most people in these few hours experience increased alertness, blood pressure, and breathing rate. Caffeine also leads to increased urination which can lead to dehydration. There are also a few long term effects which include nervousness, insomnia, stomach irritation, and fatigue. (Trustees of Princeton,1) All of these effects are not periment and all depend on the amount of coffee a person