Job Advertisement
What was the purpose of the document?
The purpose of the advert was to merely attract potential applicants to the role being portrayed and influence them to apply, so in this specific case, the role of this advertisement was to attract individuals who were interested in undertaking the role as a part time waitress/waiter for Harvester.
How were the sample documents useful in creating this?
The sample documents helped to define and construct the shaping and model of the advert to ensure it set high expectations and retrieve the ‘ideal’ candidate. It was evident to note that the format of the advertisement would initially set and portray Harvester, which emphasised the requirement for it to be viewed positively, as otherwise qualified and suitable potential candidates would be put off from applying and therefore the candidate skill range base would act to be very limited and constricted which would therefore have a knock on effect as we wouldn’t receive suitable and ideal candidates that fit the role as effectively. The sample documents therefore enabled us to demonstrate and experiment different presentations and allowed us to construct and develop the final model as we picked out good things from each design and incorporated them within the final model, and needless to say, avoided the bad aspects they presented to ensure the final design was as professional and effective as it could possibly be.
Clear and defined logo, immediately triggers recognition with potential applicants
Clear and defined logo, immediately triggers recognition with potential applicants
How effective was it?
The contact number makes it a lot easier for the candidates to get the information they require at an easily accessible level
The contact number makes it a lot easier for the candidates to