Duplex collecting system, also known as double ureters, happens to be one of the most common congenital anomalies (Linn-Watson, 2014). In a normal kidney, there is only one ureter to drain each of the kidneys. In a duplex collecting system, one or both …show more content…
The patient complained of being sore and being mildly uncomfortable during the exam. With review of the radiologist report it stated had a unilateral duplex collecting system (Farley, 2015). The pathology occurred on the left side, where the patients left kidney was mildly enlarged measuring 14cm long (Farley, 2015). Both ureters were imaged leaving the kidney and disappeared after the level of L4 (Farley, 2015). At the level of L4, the ureters did not opacify with contrast (Farley, 2015). Dr. Farley stated that the right kidney was of normal size with a normal collecting system and no signs of hyfronephrosis. Also, the bladder was of normal size and there was no evidence of filling defects or significant post-void lingering (Farley,