I feel as though Donald Trump making that comment was inappropriate to say because he is more worried about his political campaign than worried about the shooting itself.
Reading this also makes me feel worried about the city of Chicago, I’ve recently just came here and there is so much violence around me that I have never experienced before. To me it's crazy because I have to hear about these things all the time and I know that if it were someone close to me I would also feel the same way that Dwyane Wade feels. Speaking about the police shootings in Chicago and knowing how close I am to these things makes it harder for me to live a day to day life, even worse things like this are happening not only in Chicago, but all over the country. Police officers are killing people everyday and getting away with it and our community has to suffer for their actions. Though the death of Nykea was nothing police related, the crime in Chicago has to
stop. I am a black man and I know that everyday I wake up, it could be me or one of my friends. I’d hate for it to be someone close to me and I’d have to be the one to be the one in that situation, grieving over a loss. Most of the time when these things happen no one is held accountable and that's not right. The police are supposed to protect us not kill us. The African American community is suffering and they feel like they’ve already suffered enough. I don’t want my children to be afraid of the police, but if they keep killing people then I don’t think I can prevent that. It’s sad that Nykea had to lose her life because of someone’s dumb decision. In Chicago it’s dangerous and the illegal guns aren't making it any better. The police say they try to get the guns off the streets but to me they aren't trying hard enough.