Perhaps the most significant phase of an effective professional helper is the self-evaluation. As a student taking a Communications class at the Medicine Hat College, I am being challenged to recognize and consider the concepts and skills used in an interview about a career choice. The fifteen minute interview included factors relating to the gathering of information about why another student, who was assigned by the instructor, has chosen her career choice (Anagnos, 2007). The purpose of this paper is to apply my understanding of the concepts and skills learned in our lab to achieve the best outcome for the interview. I will complete the interview assignment by discussing the general aspects of an interview, self-reflection …show more content…
In this self-reflection opportunity, I will look at what I learned about my communication style and abilities, what I would do differently and what I was comfortable and uncomfortable with doing. Communication style can be the most important asset as a professional helper. In my communication style I was hoping to understand who the interviewee is as a person, with no judgment or expectations of her points of view. When interacting with the interviewee, my tendency was to be candid, trusting and optimist to maintain a positive tone throughout the interview. I learned that during the interview even though we were having an interpersonal conversation by responding appropriately to the other person, I was still communicating intrapersonally by accessing my own feelings (Weiten &McCann, 2013). I was having a dyadic conversation; however, I was still communicating with myself, when the interviewee would answer a question I had asked, I would think about what she had just told me and talk to myself about my understanding of her thought/motivations and how it made me feel, making it intrapersonal(Weiten &McCann, …show more content…
(2007). Conducting an information interview modules (n.d.). Retrieved February 13, 2007 from the Rogue Communication web site:
Bradley, J.C. & Edinberg, M.A. (1990). Communication in the nursing context. 3rd ed., Connecticut: Appleton & Large.
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Egan, G. (1998). The skilled helper: A problem,-management approach to helping, 6th ed., London: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company.
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Weiten, W. & McCann, D. (2013). Psychology: Themes and variations (3rd ed.), Toronto, Ontario: Nelson Education