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Effects of Aloe Vera in the Shelf-Life and Firmness of Tomatoes

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Effects of Aloe Vera in the Shelf-Life and Firmness of Tomatoes
Tomato is a very significant ingredient to Filipino cuisines thus it is produced widely in the Philippines. Tomatoes rank second to aubergine in the aspect of food production. Dejectedly, the production of fruits in the Philippines is below average level due to the damages caused by various insects and viruses. The infections of these pests cause a yield reduction of 50% to 100% which threatens the livelihood of the small scale farmers of tomatoes.
Aside from pests, the environmental conditions also affect the tomatoes. Heat and moisture cause rapid spoilage among tomatoes. Extreme moisture conditions can cause the cracking of the skin of a healthy tomato fruit. Intense heat applied to tomatoes may result to the rapid ripening and softening of the crop. Furthermore, the juices inside the tomato may dry-up causing its weight to be lighter.
The effects of extreme heat and moisture are very visible to the locally distributed tomatoes. In the process of distribution, the packaging of the tomatoes is not very convenient. It is then exposed to the erratic conditions of the environment which may lead to the brisk spoilage of tomatoes. Such circumstances are not favored by most consumers causing the tomatoes to necessitate preservation. In preserving these crops, farmers often use chemical-based preservatives because these are cheap and are proven effective. However, the quality and nutritional value of the tomatoes are sacrificed which make them undesirable. The result of the process is not wanted by the tomato consumers.Could there be other preservative that is cheap, natural and effective in firming and prolonging the shelf-life of tomatoes?

The Philippines at present produces many different kinds of agricultural and beneficial plant. Among the various crops produced, the researchers have chosen to use tomato and aloe vera in the study. In the field of agricultural crops, the tomato is the most popular of all. It only has achieved its tremendous popularity over the last century. It is first cultivated by the Aztecs and Mayans in the 700 A.D.It is commonly grown in every country especially those in tropical regions. It has been an ingredient to almost all savory Filipino cuisines. Aside from being tasty, tomatoes are very healthy as they are a good source of lycopene, vitamins A and C
The world is producing more than 60 million tons of tomatoes per year. The production of tomatoes created a large industry of canning and exporting. In effect, farmers worldwide are engaged in cultivating this crop. Consequently, the worldwide production of tomatoes and consumption has grown quite rapidly for over 25 years.
On the other hand, aloe vera(Aloe barbadensis) is a plant grown in tropical countries such as the Philippines. It is known to have two major liquid sources: The yellow latex (exudate) and the clear extract (mucilage). The aloe vera mucilage serves as a natural barrier against moisture and oxygen during processing, handling and storage and do not only retard food deterioration but also enhance its safety due to their natural biocide activity or the incorpulation of antimicrobial compounds.
Because the clear extract from aloe vera can retard food deterioration and it has no chemical components that may deficiently affect the shelf-life of the food, it can be applied to fresh produce such as tomatoes to potentially delay its spoilage and to lengthen its firmness. The aloe vera gel extract contains components that are necessary and obliging for lengthening the shelf-life of tomatoes. Subsequently, it could make noteworthy effects to the tomato-consuming community because it could maintain the firmness of tomatoes. Therefore, the researchers are interested in determining the effectiveness of the aloe vera extract to the firmness and shelf-life of tomatoes.

Significance of the Study Since tomatoes on shelves and in refrigerators have an estimated twenty (20) percent of spoilage, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, there is a strong purpose in conducting investigations on the effect of aloe vera extract to the firming and shelf-life of tomatoes. This study greatly has benefitted the industry of tomatoes (canning and exporting), the farmers who cultivate tomatoes and aloe vera, consumers, future researchers and our environment. The application of this study has greatly helped in the industry of canning and exporting of tomatoes because it decreased the spoilage of tomatoes without sacrificing its nutritional value. It contributed to the improvements on the quality of the tomatoes with less expenditure since aloe vera is abundant in the Philippines. It has also benefitted the farmers who use the production of tomatoes as their basic source of living because with the use of aloe vera extract as a preservative, the spoilage of the tomatoes delayed making the distribution of the tomatoes worldwide possible which then increase their profit. This study has benefitted the farmers who mainly cultivate and produce aloe vera plants. The aloe vera plants would be more often bought and therefore would be in demand. This could result to the increase in the income of the farmers of aloe vera. The investigation has also benefitted the consumers. The study resulted to the more tomatoes being preserved by a safe and organic preservative and have been distributed within the country with a minimized damage caused to the tomatoes. The tomato consumers then were assured that they were eating fresh and healthy fruits. The study may also benefit other researchers who have been seeking to improve the quality of tomatoes. The findings of the study may be relevant and may play a crucial role in their investigation.
Lastly, the study would also benefit by the environment. This is due to that the aloe vera extract only constitutes organic components. Therefore, it would not contribute any harmful effects to the environment.

Statement of the Problem

Generally, this study aimed to determine the effectiveness of aloe vera extract in the firmness and shelf-life of tomatoes.
Specifically, this answers the following questions: 1) Is there any significant difference in the shelf-life of tomatoes treated with aloe vera extract and the shelf-life of the tomatoes untreated with aloe vera extract? 2) Is there any significant difference in the firmness of the tomatoes treated with aloe vera extract and in the firmness of tomatoes untreated with aloe vera extract? 3) Is there any significant difference in the shelf-life of tomatoes treated with aloe vera extract and placed in a refrigerator and of tomatoes treated with aloevera extract and placed in a container with a room temperature of around 23 degree Celsius? 4) Is there any significant difference in the firmness of tomatoes treated with aloe vera extract and placed in a refrigerator and of tomatoes treated with aloe veraextract and placed in a container with a room temperature of around 23 degree Celsius?


Tomatoes were evaluated to determine the effectiveness of aloe vera extract in firmness and shelf-life. This led to the hypotheses stating that: 1) There is no significant difference between the shelf-life of tomatoes treated with aloe vera extract and the shelf-life of untreated tomatoes. 2) There is no significant difference in the firmness of the tomatoes treated with aloe vera extract and in the firmness of tomatoes untreated with aloe vera extract. 3) There is no significant difference between the shelf-life of tomatoes treated with aloe vera extract and placed in a refrigerator and of tomatoes treated with aloe vera extract and placed in a container. 4) There is no significant difference between the firmness of tomatoes treated with aloe vera extract and placed in a refrigerator and of tomatoes treated with aloe vera and placed in a container.

Assumptions Before the study was conducted, the researchers have already assumed that the following statements are true: 1. The gathered tomatoes from a farm are fresh and are high quality tomatoes. 2. The respondents answered their survey sheets honestly and empirically. Scope and Limitation
The study was conducted to determine the effect of aloe vera extract to the firmness and shelf-life of tomatoes. The duration the study was from August 14, 2011 to February 28, 2012. The study covered (a) the effect of aloe vera extract in the shelf-life of tomatoes; (b) the effect of aloe vera extract on the firmness of the tomatoes; (c) the effect of the aloe vera extract in the shelf-life and firmness of tomatoes in different temperatures; (d) the chemical components of the aloe vera extract.
Other matters concerning the (a) effects in the taste and juiciness of the tomatoes, (b) the probable effects made by the aloe vera extract to the tomatoes in terms of odor, (c) the possible cost of the produced aloe vera extract to the market, (d) the nutritional effect of the aloe vera extract to the tomatoes and (e) the interaction effect of the temperature to the effectiveness of the aloe vera extract as a natural preservative were not further discussed in this study.

Paradigm of the Study The conceptual framework of the study when briefly stated can be: As the aloe vera extract is applied to the tomatoes under the appropriate temperature; it will subsequently delay the spoilage of the tomatoes and make the tomatoes firm.
The study’s conceptual framework can be vividly illustrated in a diagrammatic representation below:
Aloe Vera Extract Application of the Aloe Vera Extract on the Tomatoes under the Appropriate Temperature * Delayed spoilage of tomatoes * Firm tomatoes

Figure 1.The paradigm of the study.
Definition of Terms
The following terms are defined for the purpose of clarification: 1.) Aloe vera extract- It is the organic mixture where in the tomatoes are to be submerged. 2.) Firmness- It is the resiliency of the tomatoes before and after the application of the aloe vera extract. 3.) Shelf-life- it is the number of days in which the tomatoes are in their finest.

REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE The following related literature serves as a foundation to prove the strength of the study.
Today, tomatoes are the most popular gardening plant and with hundreds of varieties available. According to Garden- (2011), most gardeners tend to grow several varieties of tomatoes because it is consumed in diverse ways, including raw, as an ingredient in many dishes and sauces, and in drinks. The fruit is rich in Lycopene, which may have beneficial health effects. As to the study, the researchers find tomatoes as an interesting fresh produce to preserve because of its popularity and functionality.
Another reason is that it has a sensitive pericarp that cannot withstand both hot and cold temperature when it is stored. According to India Agronet (2000), it only thrives well in temperatures ranging from 10°C to 30°C with optimum range of 21- 24°C. In relation to the study, these tomatoes also face a drastic radial spoilage when these are exposed in an inappropriate temperature. In order to prevent such circumstances, there is a need for a preservative in which aloe vera can be a possible solution.
On the other hand, the aloe vera plant according to Turner (2004) contains two types of liquid sources namely the yellow latex (exudate) and the clear gel or mucilage. As for the study, the researchers will use the mucilage in making the organic preservative. It is widely known that the aloe vera plant is commonly used in healing wounds because of its antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties. According to Health Systems (2001) these properties are essential in curing wounds, burns and can also help in maintaining healthy and efficient cells. In connection to the study, it cannot serve as a possible breeding ground for diverse species of fungi that primarily cause spoilage on fresh produce.
It also contains polysaccharides and long chains of sugars involving glucose and mannose or the gluco- mannans. Some of the polysaccharides stick to certain cells, lining the gut and forms a barrier which then prevents the absorption of unwanted or foreign materials on a human body. In relation to the study, the polysaccharides can function as protective layer or barrier that deters foreign organisms to enter the tomatoes. These and all the other evidences of the functionality of the aloe vera increased the interest of the public in using the aloe vera in food industry as a possible ingredient in drinks and ice creams according to Moore (1995).
Some of them are Sampson (2005), who believed that aloe vera could provide a greener alternative to sulfur dioxide and other synthetic food preservatives that are commonly used on fresh produce and increasingly the target of health concerns and also Adam (2009), who said that aloe vera gel can also revolutionize food safety around the world. Example of which is the dipping of fruits and vegetables in aloe vera gel which will eliminate e. coli and preserve freshness and shelf- life of fresh produce. To further affirm the reliability of the study, the researchers present other studies which are related.

The following studies will give additional information related to the research study. According to Valero, et. al (2005), A novel edible coating based on aloe vera gel has been used as a means of preservation to maintain the quality and safety of table grapes. Table grapes have a crucial economic value as a dessert fruit, but once harvested show a reduction of shelf-life due to a rapid loss of quality. Uncoated clusters showed a rapid deterioration with an estimated shelf-life period of 7 days at 1 °C plus 4 days at 20 °C, based on the fast weight loss, color changes, accelerated softening and ripening, rachis browning, and high incidence of berry decay. On the contrary, those clusters treated with aloevera gel significantly delayed the above parameters related to postharvest quality losses, and storability could be extended up to 35 days at 1 °C. Interestingly, this edible coating was able to reduce the initial microbial counts for both mesophillic aerobic and yeast and molds, which significantly increased in uncoated berries over storage. Moreover, the sensory analyses revealed beneficial effects in terms of delaying rachis browning and dehydration and maintenance of the visual aspect of the berry without any detrimental effect on taste, aroma, or flavors. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first time aloevera gel has been used as an edible coating in fruits, which would be an innovative and interesting means for commercial application and an alternative to the use of postharvest chemical treatments. In this study, grapes were used as samples for the experimentation. The aloe vera gel extract was used in the manufacture of an effective and organic preservative. This aloe vera preservative was then used in lengthening the shelf-life of grapes. Prior to our study, the researchers will also use the same material, the aloe vera extract to be developed as a natural preservative but different samples are to be used. The samples to be used are the tomatoes of the same kind. Tomatoes will then be observed for 35 days similarly to the days the grapes were observed in the related study.
To further establish foundation to the study, on March 1994, a study was conducted to develop toothpaste which uses aloe vera gel extract as the main component the toothpaste consists of least detergent and polishing agent but greater amount of aloe vera gel mixture. The toothpaste composition was known to be capable for gingivitis prevention and reduction of bacteria existence. This is related to our study in a way that it can support the anti-bacterial properties of the aloe vera in preserving and lengthening the shelf – life of tomatoes. Furthermore, a study was conducted in order to review the processing of aloe vera gel on 2008. The study highlighted its medicinal and food properties. Through different reliable tests, they have found out the anti-fungal properties of aloe vera gel extract. Prior to our study, this supports the potential capability of aloe vera as preservative for fresh produces, mainly the tomatoes.
A study by L.O.Ezeibekwe, M.I. Opara and F.N.Mbagwuwas conducted to determine the antifungal effect of aloe vera on fungal organisms associated with yam (DioscoreaRotundata, Poir) rot. The researchers observed the population of the yamrot as affected by the aloe vera extract. The experimentation showed that the aloe vera extract didn’t actually inhibit the fungal growth due to that there was no progression in the growth and development of the fungi. In this study, the aloe vera gel was used as an organic antifungal extract. Prior to our study, the same material was used, the aloe vera extract but in a different manner due to that it was used as a preservative for lengthening the shelf-life and firming of tomatoes. In support to this, another study entitled “Composition and Applications of Aloe vera Leaf Gel “byJosias H. Hamman was conducted which showed the antifungal activities of the aloe vera extract. This ascertained the achievable outcome of aloe vera gel in preserving fresh produces.
Another study was conducted to further analyze the chemical components of the aloe vera extract. The aloe vera extract undergone chemical analysis which reveals that it contains various carbohydrate polymers, notably glucomannans, along with a range of other organic and inorganic components. The study didn’t completely exposed all components of aloe vera extract however; it showed the polysaccharide component of the aloe vera extract. As the sugar which is a polysaccharide is traditionally used as natural preservative, this supports the probable competence of aloe vera extract as an organic preservative.
Moreover, a study was conducted to determine the effect of aloe vera extract on pre-harvest berries as well as post-harvest berries. 7 days before harvesting, the researchers applied the aloe vera extract. According to the study, the aloe vera extract inhibited the growth of fungi in the berries. Weight loss and respiration rates were also reduced according to their observation. These results were also perceived in the aloe vera treatment in the post-harvest berries. Prior to the study, this increases the potential ability of the aloe vera to preserve fresh produces.
A study was also conducted which showed the effectiveness of aloe-vera extract in lengthening the shelf-life of nectarine (peach) specifically the “Arctic snow” peach. In applying the aloe vera extract, the shelf-life of the nectarine was lengthened. Weight loss and fruit softening was also lessened. In conclusion, aloe vera gel can be used for extending storage life at ambient or cold storage and maintaining quality of ‘Arctic Snow’ nectarine. This strengthened the capability of the aloe vera extract to preserve tomatoes because tomatoes are also classified as berries. JUSTIFICATION

This study is originally prepared and conducted by the researchers. Although the investigation has many similarities to the mentioned studies such as the utilization of the aloe vera as a natural preservative and the process of the extraction of the aloe vera extract, there are still some variations which make the study distinct, genuine and rational to conduct. These differences are the locale of the study, the fresh produce (tomato) subjected to the application of the aloe vera extract and the aim of the study itself which is to determine the effectiveness of aloe vera extract specifically on the shelf-life and firmness of tomatoes as well as to affirm, negate or amplify the results of the similar and conducted studies.


Research Design The experimental method of research was utilized in the study. To start with, the researchers made use of the two-pair group design; a design wherein two set-ups consist of two sub-set-ups with only one variable is manipulated or changed. With this design, the experimental set-up varies while the controlled set-up serves for comparative purposes. The variable used is the aloe vera extract to the sample tomatoes to be studied. The tomatoes were collected simultaneously and randomly. Each set up contains ten (10) tomatoes. A total of forty (40) tomatoes were used. The study’s set-ups were as follows: (1) Set up A1 – tomatoes that were treated with aloe vera extract and were refrigerated; (2) Set up A2 – tomatoes that were not applied by any other treatment and were refrigerated; (3) Set up B1 - tomatoes that were treated with aloe vera extract and were be stored in a container; (4) Set up B2 – tomatoes that were not applied with any treatment and were stored in a container. All variables were observed cautiously ensuring accurate results all throughout the experimental period. The four (4) set ups that were used in the experiment were set aside to prevent any other conceivable factors that may affect their condition.

Data Gathering Instrument The data gathering instrument used in the study was survey sheets. These include the evaluation table and color scheme. The color scheme which was based on a 6-point hedonic scale used to determine the color variation of the sample tomatoes from time to time. This was used to evaluate the shelf-life of the tomatoes before and after the treatment of aloe vera extract. The survey sheet includes the second evaluation table for the ratings based on the 9-point hedonic scale wherein the respondents were to assess the firmness of the sample tomatoes. The ratings were based on the assessment of the tenderness of the tomatoes’ pericarp.

Data Gathering Procedure
Survey sheets were utilized by the researchers to gather data from fifty (50) respondents.
The survey was conducted on October 5, 2011 in the Woodestate Village II where the survey sheets should were answered by fifteen (15) housewives and fifteen (15) stall owners. To complete the fifty (50) respondents needed, a survey was also conducted in Wet and Dry Public Market and was responded by twenty (20) vegetable vendors. The firmness of the tomatoes were evaluated using a touch-test based on a 9-point hedonic scale where in point-1 is the least firm and point-9 is the firmest. The color variation of the tomatoes was evaluated by the respondents based on the 6-point hedonic scale provided by the researchers. Point-1 is the highest which shows the given color of unripe tomatoes. After answering the survey sheets, the average rating of the firmness and color variation of each survey sheet were calculated by the respondents with the help of the researchers.

The variables in the study were organized into the four (4) set-ups to be able to determine the significant differences between them. These included the following:
1.) The independent variable in the study was the application of aloe vera extract and temperature because these are the variables that were changed by the researchers.
2.) The dependent variable in the study was the shelf–life and firmness of tomatoes in the four (4) set ups as a direct result of the applied aloe vera extract.

Gathering of materials
The following step-by-step procedure was utilized in the study:

Washing of aloe vera blades

Extraction of aloe vera

Phytochemical analysis of the aloe vera extract

Picking of tomatoes from the farm

Random selection and separation of tomatoes into the controlled and experimental set up


Ten (10) tomatoes were kept in a container without any treatment applied.

Ten (10) tomatoes were refrigerated without any treatment applied.

Ten tomatoes were dipped in the aloe vera extract for five minutes and were kept in a container.
Ten (10) tomatoes were dipped in the aloe vera extract for five minutes and were refrigerated.

Conducting of survey

Organizing and analyzing of data gathered


First, necessary materials for the experimentation were gathered. The aloe vera mucilage was extracted. The extract from the aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis) was subjected to phytochemical analysis which identified the different chemical components of the aloe vera extract. The phytochemical Analysis was conducted at The Department of Science and Technology Research Institute with the span of two (2) weeks. Forty (40) tomatoes were picked from a farm. The tomatoes were randomly divided into two set ups, the experimental and controlled set ups. Then, each was randomly subdivided into two set ups. Twenty (20) tomatoes from the experimental set up were submerged into the aloe vera extract for 5 minutes. Ten (10) tomatoes were stored in a refrigerator with a temperature of 5oC. The remaining ten (10) tomatoes were kept in a container at a room temperature of around 23oC.
On the other hand, the twenty (20) tomatoes in the controlled set up did not undergo the application of aloe vera extract. Ten (10) tomatoes were stored in a refrigerator with a 50C of temperature. The remaining ten (10) tomatoes were exposed to room temperature of around 23oC and were kept in a container..A survey was conducted with fifty (50) respondents which include fifteen (15) housewives, fifteen (15) food stall owners and twenty (20) market vegetable vendors for the evaluation of the tomatoes. Data were gathered and analyzed.


Two statistical treatments were employed on the analysis of gathering data. The first statistical treatment was the F-test two way – Analysis of variance. The F-test two way ANOVA involves two variable and it is only used to find out if there is a significant difference between and among the means of the two or more independent groups. This parametric test was suitable statistical tool because study had two independent variables which were the application of the aloe vera extract as well as the temperature and the study aims to determine whether there is a significant difference in the firmness and shelf-life of treated tomatoes and untreated tomatoes.
The second statistical treatment was the Z-Test two sample mean test. The Z-test two sample mean test is used if there are more than 30 samples for every group and it is used to find out if there is a significant difference between the two populations by only comparing the sample mean of the population. This statistical tool suits the study because there are 50 respondents who evaluated each set-up and the investigation sought to determine whether there is a significant difference in the firmness and shelf-life of treated tomatoes stored in a refrigerator ( 5 degree Celsius) and the firmness and shelf-life of tomatoes stored in room temperature.

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