
Effects Of Colonization On Mars

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As a new community rises for the expedition to Mars one might wonder will there be laws set intact. This new quest of colonizing mars comes with no governance “Rather than giving future colonies to governments or corporations, Jacob Haqq-Misra thinks we should let Martian colonists develop their own values, governments, and technologies, with minimal interference from Earth.” (Sarah Fecht) Jacob sees this as fit so that Mars colonies can grow, emerging their own technologies and culture once settled in their new life. Not only would Haqq-Misra's approach impede any Martian wars for independence, but cultural freedom could help Martians t inversely enough to solve problems that Earth remains to tussle with. These issues face in society …show more content…

Also she hints that governments, organizations, and persons of Earth cannot participate in commerce with Mars or c affect with the political, cultural, monetary, or social progress of Martian development. Haqq-Misra yet again continues stating that “Scientific exploration may continue as long as it does not interfere with the development of civilization on Mars. Sharing of research and information between Mars and Earth is permitted only to pursue mutual scientific or educational goals.” (Sarah Fecht) Nevertheless as she wraps up the way in which independent Martians will live she mentions land on Mars will be determined by its citizens and no earthlings may own or claim to land on Mars and earthlings may not make any demands for resources on Mars. By these laws this new planet becomes a free society. As for the life of the Puritans they were a dominating at force of Christians that settled in The New …show more content…

. . children of this universe. Not just Earth, or Mars, or this System, but the whole grand fireworks. And if we are interested in Mars at all, it is only because we wonder over our past and worry terribly about our possible future.” are the words spoken by Ray Bradbury, 'Mars and the Mind of Man,' 1973 I feel that he is suggesting that we should not look back on our past but the future in exploring the entire universe for it is ours why shelter ourselves away from it. The individuals colonizing Mars can see themselves living out what Bradbury has spoken, they are not settling. This project would have to go down as the greatest adventure in human history. One might wonder why risk humans to venture on this new mission well according to Joel S. Levine1 and Rudy Schild “Humans are unique scientific explorers and observers, humans

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