This will be both Quantitative and qualitative research that will seek to investigate the contributing factors to pupils’ performance in English at Kenya Certificate of Primary Examination. This chapter presents the background of the study, statement of the problem, research objectives, research questions, hypothesis, significance of the study and the limitations of the study.
1.1 Background of the study
Long before the coming of Arabs and Europeans to Africa, the African people had developed their own systems of education; although the systems varied from one community to the other, their goals were often strikingly similar. Otiende, (1980). At independence in 1963, education was viewed as the means to eradicating poverty, ignorance and disease from Kenya. English language was seen by the society as the foundation of livelihood since it was applicable for one to basically understand anything in live. It is vital to the technological knowledge and important for the social economic development of the nation. Because of this, it is compulsory both in primary school and secondary levels in Kenya. English language is also used as a basic entry requirement into any of the prestigious courses such as medicine, architecture and engineering among other degree programmes. Despite the important role that English plays in society, there has always been poor performance in the subject at national examinations.
The three selected primary schools which are basically; Thaara, Kiamwangi and Kiganjo primary schools from Kiganjo Zone are public primary schools with approximately 688 pupils each and teacher population of 14 each. Throughout the researcher’s teaching experience, she has detected that English language is being poorly performed by not only the selected schools but also the entire district and the county at large. This has always left her wondering what the reason is thereby promoting her to take this special interest in ascertaining
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