Black’s Law Dictionary defines a Constitution as “The fundamental and organic law of a nation or state that establishes the institutions and apparatus of government, defines the scope of governmental sovereign powers, and guarantees individual civil rights and civil liberties.”
The present Constitution of the Philippines:
The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines: approved by the 1986 Constitutional Commission on October 12, 1986; presented to President Corazon C. Aquino on October 15, 1986; ratified on February 2, 1987 by plebiscite; proclaimed in force on February 11, 1987.
Past constitutions of the Philippines:
The 1986 Freedom Constitution : promulgated by Presidential Proclamation, March 25, 1986.
The 1973 Constitution : as Amended in October 16-17, 1976, on January 30, 1980, and April 7, 1981.
The 1973 Constitution : draft presented to President Marcos by the 1971 Constitutional Convention on December 1, 1972; deemed ratified by Citizens’ Assemblies held from January 10-15, 1973, proclaimed in force by Proclamation by President Marcos, January 17, 1973.
The 1943 Constitution : as approved by the Preparatory Committee on Philippine Independence, September 4, 1943 and ratified by the KALIBAPI Convention, September 7, 1943.
The 1935 Constitution : as amended on June 18, 1940, and on March 11, 1947.
The 1935 Constitution : as approved by the 1934 Constitutional Convention on February 8, 1935, certified by the President of the United States on March 25, 1935, and ratified by plebiscite on May 14, 1935.
The Jones Law of 1916 : enacted into law by the United States Congress on August 29, 1916.
The Philippine Organic Act of 1902 : enacted into law by the United States Congress on July 1, 1902
The 1899 Malolos Constitution : approved by the Malolos Congress on November 29, 1898, draft returned by President Aguinaldo on December 1, 1898 for amendments, which the Congress refused; approved by President Aguinaldo