Katie Percival
Northeast Technical Institute
February 15, 2013
Principles of Health Information
Many doctors and hospitals are now using electronic medical records systems. Slowly, old files with long background histories are being uploaded via electronic means. At the same time, technology has made it possible to keep these files safe from damages or being lost. Computer programs designed for backup have become available. More and more features are being added to these programs the technology improves with time. There are several benefits that can be had in using a medical record system. For one, proper coordination between different medical teams or facilities reduces the risk of errors in medication. By using a centralized system, the patients’ medical records can be accessed without much difficulty. This is especially useful in cases where there is an emergency or accident and medical decisions have to be made quickly. Among the information that can be accessed include whether the patient has allergies, their blood type, previous diagnoses, current medication, etc. This can help save a patient’s life in an emergency.
Another issue among most facilities is space. The reduction of paper use for medical files will help open more space. Instead of setting aside room for the files, the area can be utilized for other purposes. Also, keeping files on paper endangers records since it may be torn or damaged as it ages. It is also susceptible to elements such as fire and water.
If these files are transferred to a more organized and easily accessible system, it will be easier to manage. This also saves time since there is no need to search shelves and drawers just to locate a single file. All you need to do is encode the necessary information and the correct record is pulled up in no time. Obviously, medical institutions need stability and consistency to save a patient’s life. Written documents tend to wear out and they can easily