
Empathy In Charlie Vanos 'Poem I, Too'

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Empathy In Charlie Vanos 'Poem I, Too'
Empathy. What is empathy? Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. What would life be without it? Without empathy we would see others as objects, we couldn’t understand what they're feeling, or share their emotions. Although we are human, and we do have emotions, some of us lack empathy. We judge others on a daily basis. We feel like if we are not above someone else, what value do we have?

We compare our lives to others, constantly thinking about how much better your’s could be. We see photos and people posting about their picture-perfect life and we strive to be like them. In the poem, “I, Too” even though he is black, he strives to be equal to everyone else in America. “I, too, sing America. I am the darker
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She was actually extremely interesting, and I didn’t mind being there anymore. The guest speaker that night was named Charlie Vanos. He was a retired engineer for NASA. He talked about how missiles worked and how were improving them, and things that weren’t “classified”.

It was pretty interesting, but it was hard to keep up for 2 hours. Every now and then Lani would talk to me about it, and help it make more sense. She was very kind the whole night. She knew this was not my type of Thursday night out, but she still helped me to feel more welcome.

“The only way I could see to bridge the gap between us was to become a negro.” (Griffin) Only when I stepped into a different environment did I notice that people can all be different, but we are all the same. Sure, they were super smart and understood everything that the speaker was saying, but they were still nice and funny people. They had different interests but we’re all still
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No one would be there for you, it’d be like you’re on your own. People often choose not to show empathy to people who they feel they are above. In the scottsboro boys case, Victoria showed no remorse for the lives she was going to ruin. “The proof tends strongly to show that she knowingly testified falsely in many material aspects of the case.” (Horton) She didn’t have any empathy, and therefore would be considered what we call “evil” Without empathy we’d all be heartless, evil people, like Victoria. Empathy is what makes us able to see how other people feel, and see their

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