Reward system is to motivate performance among the managers and employees. The organization had been implemented monetary rewards which is not enough to motivate the employee’s performance.
Recently, the organization had to build reward system to adapt the new environment. Employee’s need the rewards as motivation to improve performance is different with others. Traditional reward system cannot perform the effective to improve the performance of employees such as merit pay or base pay.
The organizations had to change reward system to improve the performance of employees such as bonus pay. Bonus pay is monetary compensation over and above the amount of pay specified as a base salary or hourly rate of pay. Bonus pay can influence the employees to change their behavior in perform well in their job. The employees will improve their performance if bonus based on target of sales in the company.
Skill-based pay is an effective reward system given to the employees improves their performance. In skill-based pay, employees are paid according the number of skills they possess. The organizations can perform multiple tasks by encourage employees to learn more skills. The employees can increase their skills and earn the extra pay by the organization based on improvement skills. The organization uses the skill-based pay plan to better problem solving capacity and improves quality of products and services. Non-monetary rewards are one of the meaningful to employees and motivating for performance improvement. Non-monetary recognition can be very motivating, helping to build feelings of confidence and satisfaction. Non-monetary rewards include spa gift certificates, days off, travel and the use of personal trainers. Non-monetary rewards is a directly relationship with job performance if the employee’ need are satisfied and they will receive gift or rewards when good performance had be perform. The organization will increase