As explained earlier, I write exactly how I think which is rather sporadic and random. I will think about one thing and instantly jump to the next that, leaving what I was on in that moment in an unfinished way. Since I do this in my paper sounds like a disorderly chaos, not clear on any points I was trying to make. When reading the paper aloud, I can hear how rough the paper is, where it needs work and what it needs to fix the issues it might contain. This process is one I more recently discovered as the most helpful for me than many other editing procedures I would go through. Based on how I used to edit with skimming finding just spelling errors or mistakes with simple words that would sound better if changed into a more intelligent word. Reading aloud helps me determine where the paper needs to be rewritten or restructured. This will further me along in the editing process, and make it quicker than how I used to find them, when I would slowly read my paper over and over silently in my head. The only issue of reading the paper silently in my head was my brain would instantly put it back into how I wanted to sound as I wrote it. Making it understandable to me so I would leave all errors in when they are needed to be taken out or re-written. This will quicken how long I take, and how efficient I am …show more content…
This is something I still struggle with even when using the sentence structure paper that was handed out in class. I have always struggled with how I structure my sentences, this I am not completely sure why, although I know I write how I think which may be the main cause of poor sentence structure. Since this was mentioned before how I think is not very structured either. Reasons why I still need to advance on this is because it is a long and lengthy process until the writer becomes quick in finding errors in their sentences. The sentence structure is a very helpful lesson that was taught, because it showed how to properly write. It shows the areas where the writer will type from their head, and notice that the punctuation is missing and just randomly put in punctuation to be sure they have punctuation. Where ever that may be inside their paper. It is not a hard concept to learn and use, it just takes up time and personal attention by the writer. When doing the worksheet I struggled slightly on where to place punctuation, but I got through it and did rather well. This is because the sentences in the worksheets were sentences I knew needed the comma or semi-colon. When writing my own sentences I never can notice the sentences that need the punctuation, and the sentences I feel need it do not. Which might be another reason I still need to work on this process