Chapter 6: Nadell, Judith, John Langan and Eliza A. Comodromos. The
Longman Reader (10th Edition). New
York: Pearson Education Inc. 2012.
Prepared by Wendy K. Campbell for Roytec
Division-Classification Defined
What would your life be without any order?
Division-Classification is a logical way of thinking that allows us to make sense of a complex world. Although they are separate processes, the two are used together as complementary techniques.
Division involves taking a single unit or concept, breaking the unit down into parts, and then analyzing the connections among the parts and between the parts and the whole. (Hospital – pediatric wing, cardiac wing, maternity wing)
Classification brings two or more related items together and categorizes them according to type or kind. (Produce – lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers)
Prepared by Wendy K. Campbell for Roytec
How Division-Classification Fits Your
Purpose & Audience
Division can be a helpful strategy during the prewriting stage for analyzing broad and complex subjects.
Classification can be useful for imposing ideas generated during prewriting.
You examine the material to determine which ideas are alike then you cluster relate them in the same category.
Division-Classification can be crucial for school assignments that involve kinds, components, parts and types.
Sometimes division-classification may be the dominant technique; other times, it will be used as a supplemental pattern in an essay.
Prepared by Wendy K. Campbell for Roytec
Suggestions For Using DivisionClassification In An Essay
Select a principle of division-classification consistent with your purpose – most subjects can be divided or classified according to a number of different principles or a single principle.
Apply the principle of division-classification logically
– demonstrate that your analysis is the