September 2, 2014
Class MKT 3302
Home Assignment 1
I was described as ENTJ in the typology test. My strength percentages were Extravert (33%) Intuitive (38%) Thinking (12%) Judging (44%). (Humanmetrics )
I agree with the personality test’s result describing me as a leader that likes challenges and obstacles. I especially enjoy when people say I’m not capable of accomplishing something, it gives me motivation to prove them wrong and reestablishes how much of an ENTJ I am. ENTJ’s are ruthless in accomplishing their goals and if they find someone that shares the same ambition, they find themselves in the perfect team to crush competition. I agree that I feel motivated and challenged to work with people that are determined to do well. I really dislike to be surrounded by people that are lazy and don’t think outside the box, it is like nails on a chalk board to be surrounded by this kind of people that lack ambition. I believe the result of the personality test was spot on.
I believe as an ENTJ, I have an advantage in sales and in my future career in marketing due to the fact that ENTJ’s are so driven to succeed. In marketing, I believe I would be able to use the skills of being a leader to turn ideas into plans, brainstorming and critiquing would be beneficial in my favor and communicating my vision would come so easily to me. (16 Personalities) I see myself enjoying the challenge in marketing because there’s very little routine, there’s different projects to work on and I will learn different ways to sell/market to clients. The only down side on being an ENTJ is that we are impatient and intolerant of people that lack ambition. As an ENTJ, I would set very high standards in the work that I do and ask for criticism to better myself. I can also see that to be successful in sales and marketing I have to be understanding of others emotions since I am more rational than emotional. I will have to learn how to show more emotions and not
Cited: 16 Personalities. 1 09 2014. . Humanmetrics . 1 09 2014. .