Environmental Impact of Aviation Aviation contributes approximately 2 percent of total greenhouse gas emissions, a figure which is projected to grow through 2050. Although fuel efficiency has improved by nearly 16 percent since the 1990s, future technologies—including better flight patterns, more-efficient engines, and alternative fuels—have promise for further emissions reductions. The profitability challenges of the early twenty-first century, however, affect the industry's ability to invest in new technology. (Hill, 2010 17-22) Globally, air travel was estimated to be responsible for approximately 480 million tons (~435 million metric tons) of carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere in the year 2000. With the rapidly increasing onset of global warming, high carbon intensive industries (such as airlines) must find sustainable strategies to maintain growth and profitability or risk further damage to the world's environment. (Hill, 2010 17-22) Scientific analysis and debate concerning greenhouse gases and global warming have brought air quality to the forefront in the environmental community and general public concern. The future FAA 5050 Handbook will most likely consider assessment guidelines for potential impacts resulting from emissions of air toxics from aircraft engines, ground vehicles, and other point sources at airports. Although jet engines built after 1982 emit about 85 percent less unburned hydrocarbons than jet engines built in the 1970s, and CO emissions have decreased by 70 percent, increased operations have significantly affected air quality. Air carrier airports have begun to face the task of evaluating their contributions to air quality, in accordance with the EPA General Conformity Rule within nonattainment areas. EAs prepared in the new
References: Environmental Impact of Aviation Operations. (2005, September 29). Environmental impact of aviation operations. Retrieved from http://www.faa.gov/other_visit/aviation_industry/designees_delegations/designee_types/ame/tutorial/section2/environmental_impact/ GRAY-MULLEN, P.J. "Environmental Impacts of Aviation." A1J52: Task Force on Environmental Impacts of Aviation. (2012): 1-6. Web. 12 Feb. 2012. . HILL, R. Benjamin. "Airline Industry." Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability. Ed. Chris Laszlo, et al. Vol. 2: The Business of Sustainability. Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire, 2010. 17-22. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 6 Feb. 2012.