They have left an even more important signature on my heart. I imagine that my signature will be distinct in regards to different people. I hope to create a unique signature with each new person that comes my way. Even if I fall short of everything I’d like my signature to represent, I hope it will be one that shows everything I strived to accomplish. I hope to leave a signature that will be appreciated by many and endure for a very long time. I plan to bear my signature by being myself along with putting goodness into practice. I plan to take each step towards bearing my signature by putting myself in the position where I am challenged to be the best version of myself in every situation. I will practice bearing this signature through simple interactions and in tough decision making. I will carry my working signature everywhere I go, and inspire others to find their inner goodness and share it with the world. Change begins with one person, and from that person, others become motivated and inspired to change, too. I will not be silent about my signature. I will use my gifts to influence well and invest my time in what the world can be, not what it is. I will engage with others in a mutually beneficial way, truly listening when speaking with others. I will spread what I know, so that others may fulfill their own purposes. I will use my working signature to uplift, support, and motivate
They have left an even more important signature on my heart. I imagine that my signature will be distinct in regards to different people. I hope to create a unique signature with each new person that comes my way. Even if I fall short of everything I’d like my signature to represent, I hope it will be one that shows everything I strived to accomplish. I hope to leave a signature that will be appreciated by many and endure for a very long time. I plan to bear my signature by being myself along with putting goodness into practice. I plan to take each step towards bearing my signature by putting myself in the position where I am challenged to be the best version of myself in every situation. I will practice bearing this signature through simple interactions and in tough decision making. I will carry my working signature everywhere I go, and inspire others to find their inner goodness and share it with the world. Change begins with one person, and from that person, others become motivated and inspired to change, too. I will not be silent about my signature. I will use my gifts to influence well and invest my time in what the world can be, not what it is. I will engage with others in a mutually beneficial way, truly listening when speaking with others. I will spread what I know, so that others may fulfill their own purposes. I will use my working signature to uplift, support, and motivate