
Essay About Moving

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Essay About Moving
A few years ago around 2007 a drastic change was made in my life. My parents decided to move to the U.S. since being bilingual opened more opportunities in the long run. I was on my way to entering third grade. I had to leave everything behind, some family, all of my friends and my roots. I was a very intelligent student; however I knew that the biggest challenge for me was going to learn to speak English. Everything was new for me and had to adapt fast.
I remember when my dad started talking to my mom about moving over here. I heard them talking but I did not give it any importance. The idea of changing houses to me seemed absurd. We had everything there was not any need for us to do such thing. At that time my sister had been having trouble with school. She started to skip school and my parents did not like that at all. So they told her that if she did not stop doing that, that they were going to do something she would not like. Unfortunately she did not stop and the thing my dad had told her she would not like was the frightening idea of moving.
The hardest thing I had to leave behind was all of my friends I had. My classmates from school and also my teammates from the baseball team I
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And the biggest problem was that I did not know any English. I did not know how I was going to survive the first day of class. When I walked into the classroom there were already other students sitting there, four tables one in every corner of the class and there was not any table where I could sit by myself to avoid anyone who could talk to me. What was I going to do when they asked me something in English and I did not know what they were saying. So I had to make a choice of who I was going to become and who my friends were going to be. I chose a table where only one kid was sitting at his name was Gilberto, he knew Spanish so I knew that he was going to help me learn English and understand

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