United States in recent years have put the issue of firearms on campuses at the center of the gun debate. Many say the lesson is to keep schools gun-free, but a growing number of students argue if they were allowed to carry guns on college, they'd feel safer, the safety and security of all students are the top priority.
Many institutions suppose that allowing weapons on campus can intensify stressed situations, rather than neutralize them.
Permitting guns to be brought on campus is just plain irresponsible. Groups are advocating for the permission for students to carry guns, many calls for the opposite, and reasoning that the presence of weapons worsens violence on campus. The soaring heights of suicide among college students is another reason to forbid guns from places of education. Students who are more likely to use illegal drugs, binge drink, vandalize property, drive while under the influence and get into a conflict with the police should not have access to guns. Guns on campus would lead to a rise in violent crime. Guns on campus would result in an increase in violent crime. Guns on campus would disturb the learning environment. The college lifestyle often labelled by alcohol and drug abuse. Why would any person want to put guns in that kind of situation? If there is shooting, a person will challenge the shooter causing more injuries. How can this be considered safe? Texas legislature passed this law to take effect in January of 2017. As an early college, high school student will never feel safe at school again once this is law. It is unsafe for anyone to be in this kind atmosphere, but it is risky for young people in this situation. Students who train in shooting guns does not mean that more deaths will not occur, therefore, in the excitement of the moment people are not considering
about what is the safest thing to do they are just going to shoot. My final point for consideration is that the answer to school violence is prevention, not guns on campus. It is not essential for the permission of weapons on campuses and for that reason, guns are a dangerous thing to expose anyone to presenting a greater number of deaths.