Throughout the years, our founding fathers through much controversy and many hard fought battles has paved and made it possible for us as U.S. citizens to live in prosperity and freedom as a country. We as citizens should give back to them for all the hard work they put forth towards making our country great and that is by being responsible. I find that this is a huge problem in our country today, there is not a lot of respect and effort towards to right things to continue making our country great. It seems like all people want to do is sit around and watch things just get worse and worse, but yet don't do anything to prevent it. There are 3 main ways, I think, we can show responsibility as an American, …show more content…
What is our nation’s saying? Not, One nation under money, music artists, tv stars, athletes, and other non-important things, it is “One Nation Under God”. If I’m remembering correctly, although it seems like those are the things we are putting first and are making seem most important in replace of God. It´s time we take a stand for our country and start doing what we were taught. God says in the Bible ¨Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you¨. How do we continue to keep living in sin and idolatry as a nation and still expect God to bless …show more content…
When America was created, our fathers expected us to participate and that is one of our main responsibilities to our country. We cannot elect officials like presidents, senators, governors, while being too lazy to participate and see which candidate would be the best fit for our country. If you are eligible to vote I believe we should be watching all the debates leading up to the election, by watching these debates we can be informed of the candidate’s future plans if they are elected and see what we do and what we don’t agree with. Participation and staying informed is a key part of our responsibility to America, if everybody stayed informed and gave effort we would be so much better