But to do these things, I first need to go to school graduate, get a job, pay taxes which is a most common thing with people now days. But if you are really speaking do you have a responsibility to America? Yes and no, you responsibily to America is to be a law abitity citizen, in which you do your dos and paying your taxes, but in reality I don’t have a responsibity to America, As long as I follow the rules and the laws then I don’t really have a responsibility to America. So the conclusion behind all of this is that we all do and do not have responsibiltys to America. Its just the way that we all think about things. Like if you see that it is your duty or your responsibly to fight for the US or not to, there is never a wrong or right way to look at this kind of situation. It just all depends on who you are and what kind of things you have been through. Such as if someone who has been through pain and struggle and has never really gotten what he or she has deserved then they might see the duty a lot differently than someone who went through a privileged life in which they never had to work a day in their life and that just everything is given to them
But to do these things, I first need to go to school graduate, get a job, pay taxes which is a most common thing with people now days. But if you are really speaking do you have a responsibility to America? Yes and no, you responsibily to America is to be a law abitity citizen, in which you do your dos and paying your taxes, but in reality I don’t have a responsibity to America, As long as I follow the rules and the laws then I don’t really have a responsibility to America. So the conclusion behind all of this is that we all do and do not have responsibiltys to America. Its just the way that we all think about things. Like if you see that it is your duty or your responsibly to fight for the US or not to, there is never a wrong or right way to look at this kind of situation. It just all depends on who you are and what kind of things you have been through. Such as if someone who has been through pain and struggle and has never really gotten what he or she has deserved then they might see the duty a lot differently than someone who went through a privileged life in which they never had to work a day in their life and that just everything is given to them