Entrepreneurship – Mrs. Rucker
Fall 2012
1. Your completed final project is due Monday, December 10th. No late submissions will be accepted.
2. All submissions (Business Plan & PowerPoint Presentation) will be on our Edmodo page by the end of 4th hour on Monday, December 10th.
Business plan Requirements: □ Based on the SBDC Alaska Business Plan Outline, you must complete all of the following sections in a Microsoft Word Document: o Executive Summary o Business Description & Vision o Definition of the Market o Description of the Products and Services o Organization and Management o Marketing and Sales Strategy o Financial Management
business plan Presentation Requirements: □ A general introduction is required stating who you are, the name of your business and your objectives for the presentation. □ Speak to your audience clearly and loud enough for everyone to hear. Be conscience of your posture, hand gestures, etc. You want to look confident and prepared for this presentation. □ A PowerPoint is required and a Design Theme must be applied. □ You must have a minimum of 1 slide per Business Plan Outline section. □ Provide at least 3 pictures of your product or service so your audience is familiar with it. □ Provide a logo for your business, even if it is just Clip Art. □ Your presentation should be no shorter than 7 minutes, there will be a time penalty assessed when a presentation is too short. □ After the presentation: o Tell us what you thought about the overall experience with this project. o Ask the audience if they have any questions.
The point value for this project is 200: 100 points for your Business Plan, 50 points for the presentation and 50 points for evaluating your peers’ presentations.
You have done an excellent job