A newborn is unable to advocate for his or herself. Several provisions under the Code of Ethics for Nurses are violated in these circumstances. Most fundamentally, provision 1.1, “respect for human dignity” is not satisfied. The baby in question lacks the ability to express concerns, needs, and future potential. Nurses and other members of the medical community stepped up to combat the parent’s right to refuse treatment for their child. Ignoring the child’s inherent dignity and needs, would have been a violation of this provision and the fundamental nature of the work of health care. Under provision 3.5 “acting on questionable practice”, nurses who did not advocate for the child are at fault and did not uphold the ethics that nurses abide by. Nurses must act in a manner that is in the best interest of their patients. In this case medical professionals did stand up for the child; however, in the court the parents were still able to refuse
A newborn is unable to advocate for his or herself. Several provisions under the Code of Ethics for Nurses are violated in these circumstances. Most fundamentally, provision 1.1, “respect for human dignity” is not satisfied. The baby in question lacks the ability to express concerns, needs, and future potential. Nurses and other members of the medical community stepped up to combat the parent’s right to refuse treatment for their child. Ignoring the child’s inherent dignity and needs, would have been a violation of this provision and the fundamental nature of the work of health care. Under provision 3.5 “acting on questionable practice”, nurses who did not advocate for the child are at fault and did not uphold the ethics that nurses abide by. Nurses must act in a manner that is in the best interest of their patients. In this case medical professionals did stand up for the child; however, in the court the parents were still able to refuse