Everyone one wants to be and is vying to be a professional, but who really are they, is a question one might ask. Hill and Mulvey (n.d) in his article the Ethics of Defining a Professional, clearly stated that There are professional athletes, professional actors, and the term is even sometimes used by tradesmen to indicate the quality of their work, such as “professional plumbers.” In the most basic sense, professionals are people who earn their living in a profession. More broadly, a professional has specialized skills and knowledge that required independent learning and effort on their part to attain.
According to Kini (n.d) as is defined by “The Oxford English dictionary”, professionalism is the competence or skill expected of a professional and a professional means, Relating to or belonging to a profession. This definition implies that professionalism encompasses a number of different attributes, and, together, these attributes identify and define a professional Psychologist
Maynard (2006) in his article, “The six characteristics of highly effective psychologist”, postulated characteristics of a professional psychologist highlighting that they help us to be well equipped to understand the world and people around us, and allow us to make real and significant contributions to the well-being of individuals , groups and organizations. These characteristics explained that a psychologist must first be skeptical. In the ordinary use of the word, skeptical has a negative ring to it, but for social scientists and psychologist in particular, it is both healthy and crucial to what we do. What this means is that we do not accept a claim